Example sentences of "this [noun] [vb past] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 When this boiler wore out during the 1940s the electric drive was added .
2 This research followed on from the success of code breaking techniques in World War 2 and the supposition that translation was simply a more complex coding of words .
3 This research went on throughout the Eighties , attracting huge investment .
4 This question came out of the side of her mouth and Millie , quick to catch on , muttered , ‘ Ten . ’
5 This issue arose out of the claim to appoint a receiver for the International Tin Council under English law .
6 This initiative arose out of the then Secretary of State Sir Keith Joseph 's interest in the ‘ cycle of deprivation ’ ( for a comprehensive review see Brown and Madge , 1982 ) .
7 When I first came to live here this room ran through to the back of the house , but my husband put up a partition , so we have a small room at the back where we can have our meals .
8 As one group member said : ‘ What I 'd like to see happening is this room set up with the computer and using it regularly to type up the notes from our meetings . ’
9 ‘ All this forelock-tugging went out with the Victorian era .
10 This event sprung up following the failure of the Squash Rackets Association to secure a sponsor for this year 's national championships and a resultant boycott from most of the leading professionals .
11 I 've just this minute got back to the flat and I 'm having some difficulty taking in your news . ’
12 And Mrs McMahon , who naturally had n't seen it because had n't she just this minute arrived back from the village and was n't the dress still in its bag , looked up at the three hovering on the stairs as though it were a divine deliverance , mumbled vaguely about a headache coming on , and thankfully abandoned her responsibilities to whoever was willing to take them on .
13 Er , just this this woman came round to the door last night and said well er , you know the in bi English Dictionary ?
14 Subsequently this craft turned up on the south west coast of Southern Ireland and was proved to be a regular smuggler in those waters .
15 This approach flourished through into the 1830s , when a series of illustrations of the argument from design was commissioned in the will of the Earl of Bridgewater .
16 The inspector was standing in a public place at the time , and of course this message came up over the radios of all police officers on the Division …
17 It has worked well until recently , when it failed to boot to drive C and this message came up on the screen :
18 This nest set up on the flat lands beyond the power stations on the south east coast will provide the evidence to Bill and his bird watching colleagues It 's not only the owls that fly at night , waders will feed at any time , but the rising tide will force them to leave the mud flats day or night
19 It has been shown earlier that this line branched off before the separation of humans and the African apes , so that these fossils are now considered remote from human ancestry .
20 erm I 've always believed that consistency is an overrated virtue so I 'm not gon na criticise the Conservatives for changing their minds but you have to ask yourself why is this recorded on the agenda today when the sub-committee , planning sub- committee has already met and discussed these matters and things have moved on a little further Well we we really have to look at how the resolution in this paragraph came about in the first place .
21 On the intellectual front , this unification went on at the same time that in the social history of science specialization was the order of the day .
22 And er this hand went up from the back , you see .
23 This market grew up in the 1950s when the local authorities began to raise money for capital projects by issuing bills and bonds , and by raising loans .
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