Example sentences of "by an [adj] [noun] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Georgi Markov , the Bulgarian dissident writer , recalled the first speech given by a new factory director which could have been given by any Romanian middle-ranking cynical conformist when put in charge of an operation by an arbitrary decision from the top .
2 The fragmentation and inequities of prewar arrangements were highlighted in 1937 by an influential report from the Department of Political and Economic Planning but it took the Second World War and the Beveridge Report of 1942 to change perceptions sufficiently to legitimise a greatly enhanced role for the state in the provision of health care .
3 As is the custom , the annual Conservative Party conference begins with a brief religious ceremony followed by an official greeting from the local Mayor .
4 The War Department formed the three sides of an internal quadrangle , entered by an arched carriageway from the long sides of the site , while the Foreign Office , which had internal courts , formed the fourth side .
5 He was also obsessed by an imagined threat from the few remaining ex-revolutionaries .
6 The motion which has been put to the clubs , and backed by an emotive letter from the president , will be proposed by senior life member Ken Harris .
7 Plans and sections ( from an end-on junction with the Moat Hall Railway at Little Hanwood to the Bishop 's Castle Railway near Lydham by an east-facing junction from the first at Pontesbury to join the proposed Chirbury and Minsterley line at Minsterley and continue also northwards to Asterley ) .
8 It was yet another desperate appeal aimed at stopping East Germany from sliding into anarchy , reinforced yesterday by an ominous warning from the secret police that they could intervene : ‘ The threshold to escalation is now only very low . ’
9 The mother , aged 22 , of Wolverhampton , had been stabbed to death and her husband , aged 30 , was hanging by an electric cable from a loft beam .
10 His efforts were rewarded by an agonised groan from the plumbing , a shudder , and a thin trickle of water .
11 This has since been supported by an important report from the Battelle Institute in Geneva which broadly suggests that if products such as cars or powerpacks were designed to last for 20 years not only would energy and materials be conserved , but about 65 per cent more work would be created and the jobs would be the interesting , fiddling , diagnostic type jobs that human beings love doing .
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