Example sentences of "by the [noun prp] [noun sg] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Former BR Standard 75069 on a photographic runpast with its special train of brakevan , which had been sponsored by the Bath area groups of the Swanage Railway .
2 It forms the centrepiece of Oxfam 's Front Line Africa campaign and has prompted an inquiry by the UK Charity Commissioners into the agency 's political campaigning activity .
3 It was boycotted , however , by over 100 organizations and groups , including the International Committee of the Red Cross ( ICRC ) , the European Communities ( EC ) , and the French and United Kingdom governments , in protest at visa restrictions imposed by the US immigration authorities on those tested as positive for the human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV ) which could caused AIDS .
4 That there is such a huge volume of uncopyrighted audio and particularly video material in circulation has been a point of issue for the US administration in their summits with the Kremlin government and resulted in a boycott by the US film companies of the recent Moscow Film Festival .
5 The last atrocity had been claimed at the time by the Ulster Freedom Fighters with the explanation that it was in retaliation for a bomb which the Provisional IRA had exploded in an army bus in England seven days earlier , killing twelve men , women and children .
6 The compromise enabled both sides to avoid a battle over discrimination and sexual harrassment , highlighted by the October confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas [ see p. 38510 ] .
7 The constitutional proposals for Bosnia-Hercegovina presented by the Geneva Conference negotiators on Oct. 28 [ see p. 39150 ] were rejected by Radovan Karadzic , the Bosnian Serb leader .
8 It is thought this idea was prompted by the PGA Championship performances of Jeff Maggert and Gene Sauers .
9 Before I left Britain one of the best-kept secrets of the war had at last been revealed — the breaking by the Bletchley Park mathematicians of the ciphers encoded by the German Enigma machine : this priceless intelligence had enabled us to sink all the Bismarck 's supply ships , monitor the movements of Tirpitz so that attacks could be launched on her ( see page 144 ) and destroy many U-boats at the height of the Battle of the Atlantic .
10 One historian places him with the revolutionary underground : he entertained James Scott , Duke of Monmouth [ q.v. ] , in 1680 , was eyed by the Rye House plotters in 1683 , and briefly arrested in 1685 .
11 Of course quality of care has always been of professional concern in the NHS , but it was firmly placed on managerial agendas by the Griffiths management reforms in 1983 and given a substantial boost by WFP .
12 DR BARNARD declined to use the services of the hundred young police constables offered by the Thames Valley Police in the search for clues on the road and the verges .
13 The consultancy have been retained by the Thames Valley offices of leading international accountants and business advisers Ernst and Young following a period of ad hoc work for the firm in Reading and Swindon .
14 The ship had spent eight days searching for a port in which to dock , and had been refused permission to dock by the Aden port authorities on June 19 .
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