Example sentences of "by the [noun sg] of [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She found herself being slowly torn apart in her loyalties : on the one hand she felt proud to have been chosen as a wife by the head of one of the noblest families in Portugal , and she longed to start her new life ; but on the other , she could not help drawing back instinctively from what lay ahead .
2 The struggles of history are not , therefore , part of an external dialectic resolvable in principle by the overthrow of one of its polarities .
3 I am worried by the enthusiasm of some of my constituents for the Bengal tiger and rare species in various parts of the world , while tending to disregard animals in our local habitats .
4 Obviously , significant radiations will appear as marked increases , and extinctions as decreases of diversity , while the degree to which free migration is inhibited by geographic barriers , thereby promoting genetic isolation according to the classic model ( Mayr , 1963 ) , should be expressed by the ratio of endemic to pandemic organisms .
5 A Dec. 21 announcement by the authorities that a new border police force was to be created and military patrols strengthened was followed by the deportation of thousands of Albanian nationals over the next week .
6 It is further submitted that , as Parliament has intervened by the Act of 1976 in the matter of pre-natal injuries to unborn children , it should be left to Parliament to effect any further change in the law that may be thought necessary or to develop the law from where it was left by the Divisional Court in Ireland in Walker 's case .
7 Lastly , the Spanish Government argued that the possibility afforded by the Act of 1988 of exempting certain persons from the nationality condition to which reference was made in the last part of the national court 's question ( 2 ) in no way altered the foregoing considerations .
8 I have set out below section 6 as originally enacted , italicising the words deleted by the Act of 1988 and placing the words added by the Act of 1988 in square brackets :
9 Israeli troops instantly drove into Beirut , a move to be followed by the massacre of hundreds of people , with the knowledge or participation of Israeli troops a horrendous question .
10 Its original decoration was splendid , but the calibre of its collections was transformed in relatively recent times by the transfer of much of the contents of Montagu House , Whitehall , the successor to the first duke 's great mansion in Bloomsbury .
11 but erm that was erm financed of course by the Ministry of Labour at erm as the erm Education Department were responsible for the the general administration of it
12 A survey of welfare spending by all private firms conducted by the Ministry of Labour in 1975 estimated that such payments yielded benefits equivalent to 10–15 per cent of annual earnings , but did not distinguish very clearly how this differs according to size of firm .
13 Yet , in a somewhat art-y place like Freud 's which recently displayed the photographic work of Jane Ralley , the solitary wild-eyed scribbler was not too out of place ; but then , judging by the subject of half of the photographs in the show , the owner could count on this crowd to retain its sophisticated bonhomie in the face of far more deliberate provocation .
14 The UK pattern is paralleled by the experience of most of Continental Europe , even though the actual systems may vary , and have different historical roots .
15 However , all the forecasts of housing need have been overtaken by the release of thousands of houses in Ipswich and district resulting from the departure of American families .
16 LABEL WAS THIRTY LAST year and is being celebrated by the release of several of its classic jazz titles , courtesy of the GRP label in the form of the full price ‘ GRP Presents the legendary Masters of Jazz ’ series .
17 He took a step forward and then another free from the characteristic rolling movement caused by the shortness of one of his legs .
18 The story was put aside for twenty years , then rescued by the wife of one of the now adult nephews , shown to a publisher relation , tried out satisfactorily on his own children and brought out to resounding success .
19 Meanwhile the adverse economic repercussions , especially for Jordan , Egypt and Turkey , were offset in part by promises of financial assistance , but the position for Jordan in particular was much aggravated by the refugee crisis caused by the displacement of hundreds of thousands of foreign workers from Kuwait and Iraq .
20 Secondly , there was throughout the nineteenth century a gradual assumption by the state of many of the responsibilities formerly held by the Church , particularly in regard to marriage — Lord Hardwicke 's Marriage Act in 1753 , the 1836 Act which introduced civil marriage , the reorganisation of divorce and separation procedures in 1856 and 1878 , with further Acts in 1884 , 1886 , 1895 .
21 Terry , a former keeper at London Zoo , was shocked by the state of some of the animals .
22 The turbulence is being kept going by the working of this against the mean velocity gradient .
23 I have been confined almost a year by the dislocation of one of the ankle-bones of my leg , so have not been able to get as far as the Society House , but have enclosed the shilling you was so kind as to pay for a letter from Monsieur du Hamel .
24 Since repair rather than fresh building was their prime rationale , they did not need to raise an initial capital comparable to that needed for constructing a canal — estimated by the Duke of Bridgewater to be £10,000 guineas a mile .
25 But growing American unease over Britain 's plight was still neutralized by the determination of most of those at the top to try to prevent devaluation or the end of the role East of Suez .
26 At a polling station in Kompong Cham , a photographer confronted by the sight of hundreds of voters rather than piles of corpses , spun on his heels and announced , ‘ This whole thing is a farce . ’
27 BJORN BORG has a typically stubborn riposte to those saddened by the sight of one of the game 's greatest champions being reduced at times to a level barely above that of a novice .
28 They had engaged soldiers for a year , but had been deprived by the truce of most of the ransoms which were to pay the troops ' wages for the second half of the year .
29 This book had been preceded by the publication of one of its chapters , in 1924 , in The Communist Academy Herald .
30 If the deceased 's death is caused by the negligence of one of his dependants , that negligence does not affect the claims of the other dependants ( Dodds v Dodds [ 1978 ] QB 543 ) .
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