Example sentences of "by the [noun sg] [that] it [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Charlton , who are meeting Greenwich Borough Council officials tomorrow night over the projected return to The Valley , are unhappy at being told recently by the council that it wants the club 's proposals to be revised dramatically to take account of environmental requirements .
2 Further , the word ‘ communion ’ , a term again involving a verbal identification of Church and Eucharist , was so much used by the Council that it has subsequently been seen to express the Council 's ecclesiology most profoundly and has been made great use of in such documents as those of ARCIC .
3 In the same way , a horse 's communication with us will be influenced by the knowledge that it has acquired from other horses ; sometimes to its advantage and sometimes not .
4 The physically knowledgeable may be helped by the remark that it corresponds to a state of the particle 's spin . )
5 Disputes that arise when a sale is not completed often centre around allegations by the vendor that it has incurred costs such as commissioning an accountant 's report on the express understanding that the purchaser would reimburse the cost if the transaction failed .
6 The trouble with this way of dealing with the myth is that the myth is so attractive that people are not put off by the objection that it opens the door to scepticism about common meanings .
7 A mathematical system is distinguished by the fact that it seeks to derive a large number of very complex conclusions from a small number of primitive propositions , employing a small number of primitive ideas .
8 Stated in this stark form , the revenue 's position appears to me , as a matter of common justice , to be unsustainable ; and the injustice is rendered worse by the fact that it involves , as Nolan J. pointed out [ 1989 ] 1 W.L.R. 137 , 140 , the revenue having the benefit of a massive interest-free loan as the fruit of its unlawful action .
9 It is a beautiful and very moving story , marred only by the fact that it does not bear the remotest resemblance to what actually happens .
10 Here the two sentences are linked because they follow the grammatical pattern , definite article + proper noun + copula + complement , a link whose purely formal nature is revealed by the fact that it does not really survive translation into English , where the definite articles are not needed and an indefinite one is .
11 NC protein is present in the capsid during reverse transcription , as indicated by the fact that it promotes the positioning of the primer tRNA to the PBS for the initiation of reverse transcription .
12 Development at Scott Lithgow could be hampered by the fact that it lies on unimproved land outside the Inverclyde Enterprise Zone .
13 Typically in English a paragraph is unified by the fact that it brings together material around a single point or topic indicated in the first sentence .
14 The verb metaphor is further characterized by the fact that it has no direct link to its proper term , but acts on the noun of which it is the predicate ; in the case of the transitive verb it can also act on its direct and indirect objects .
15 The disclosure comes after last night 's announcement by the UVF that it has lifted its death threat against prison officers .
16 The disclosure comes after last night 's announcement by the UVF that it has lifted its death threat against prison officers .
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