Example sentences of "by the [noun] of [noun] as " in BNC.

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1 But the notion of intervention by the crown of France as a result of default or denial of justice by a magnate , even by a peer of France or his officers , had begun to develop .
2 Above all its claims were rejected by the Council of Castile as a usurpation of sovereign power which belonged to the king and to his appointed administrators .
3 However this was described by the Court of Appeal as a device and the doctrine was applied .
4 He is not impressed by the idea of suggestion as the basis of crowd behaviour , for no explanation is given by simply referring to the suggestibility of people as the reason for crowds being influenced by leaders .
5 He was employed by the Church of England as a church architect and was later dismissed by them because of his esoteric interest in Paganism and the occult .
6 Later he was ordained by the Church of Scotland as a minister to the deaf .
7 where the plaintiff was employed by the Ministry of Supply as an inspector of munitions in the defendants ' munitions factory and , in the course of her employment there was injured by the explosion of a shell that was being manufactured .
8 The silence was broken by the clip-clop of hooves as a horse was led from its stable at the far side of the courtyard by an Indian .
9 It has often been suggested that the active self-government practised by the Athenians was only made possible by the existence of slavery , and perhaps also by the existence of empire as a source of revenue to pay for democracy .
10 It therefore follows that if car speeds can not be reduced , large residential areas can make gains in both their environmental traffic qualities and in their safety only by the dilution of the shared-space ideal by the provision of footpaths as pedestrian refuges .
11 Healey 's influence had been further enhanced by the resignation of McNamara as US secretary of defense in 1968 .
12 The logic of linking auditing and accounting had already been accepted by the Secretary of State as a feature of the experience needed to qualify as an auditor under the Companies Act 1989 .
13 By notice of appeal dated 15 February 1991 Mr. Smart appealed against that refusal on the grounds that the Divisional Court had erred ( 1 ) in holding that the principles of natural justice did not endow a prisoner serving a mandatory sentence of life imprisonment with the right to know the factors ( including the views of the trial judge and the Lord Chief Justice ) which the Secretary of State took into account when fixing the tariff , the right to make informed representations to the Secretary of State about the length of the tariff to be applied and the right to be provided with the reasons for the period chosen by the Secretary of State as the tariff period ; and ( 2 ) in holding that the practice of the Secretary of State in murder cases of fixing a tariff in excess of that recommended by the trial judge and/or the Lord Chief Justice was lawful .
14 Indeed , the growth of self-help movements in recent years was facilitated by the principle of subsidiarity as an established political instrument .
15 Marketing is defined by the Institute of Marketing as :
16 Green 's memorandum reflected the WEA 's dissatisfaction with its original 1932 representation on the RAC in that although the District was recognised by the Board of Education as the most important providing body for Chapter III courses in the region , it had less than 25% of the committee 's membership which thus failed to recognise the WEA 's national or regional status .
17 In 1905 there appeared in Cardiff an unregistered union noted by the Board of Trade as the " British Stewards , Cooks , Butchers and Bakers " which had three branches in 1907 and a membership of a little over 2,000 .
18 The last day of November 1845 was set by the Board of Trade as the day on which all new railway plans had to be lodged if they were to stand any hope of a parliamentary hearing .
19 This reaction was widespread , off-duty soldiers were banned from wearing Teddy Boy suits and Teddy Boys were viewed by the rest of society as ‘ folk devils ’ .
20 Under this pact a general election , scheduled for 1992 but possibly to be held prematurely , would be followed by the choice of Bérenger as President .
21 Apart from using subtle ways to show his disapproval of her , he saw the redundancy exercise initiated by the government of Tanzania as the perfect excuse and a legitimate cover for her dismissal .
22 The surprise for well-fed French bureaucrats heading for a busy day paper shuffling at the European Commission was lightened only by the inclusion of croissants as a side course .
23 Particular anger has been caused by the treatment of abstentions as votes in favour of the proposal .
24 This was the first visit by the Prince of Wales as guest of the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies .
25 Lastly , all that Louis IX abandoned in favour of Henry III — his fiefs and domains in Limousin , Quercy , and Périgord ( the so-called ‘ three dioceses ’ ) and all that remained to the Plantagenets of the ancient duchy of Aquitaine — was to be held by the king of England as an hereditary fief .
26 The points of contact with the Greek world were innumerable and were increased by the use of Celts as mercenaries in Italy and practically everywhere else .
27 It was predictable that the onerousness of the rating task held down response rate somewhat ( 33 per cent of a target population of 200 ) , but less predictably , great suspicion was aroused by the use of multiplication as a way of combining the two components of need for change .
28 According to Bottomore ( 1979 ) the major themes of political sociology in its formative period in the first half of the nineteenth century were inspired by the beginnings of democracy as a form of government and the development of classes on the basis of industrial capitalism .
29 SCOTVEC has been appointed by the Department of Transport as the awarding body for these qualifications in Scotland .
30 Marx believed that the history of human societies was to be explained first of all by the nature of man as an animal who had to obtain a living from his geographical environment , which meant not only staying alive , but also being able to look after one 's offspring until they could look after themselves .
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