Example sentences of "at a [adj] time [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Dr Robat Williams , who has devised the joint charter , said the launch came at a difficult time because of the General Election campaign .
2 Dr Robat Williams , who has devised the charters for both authorities , said the launch was at a difficult time because of the General Election campaign .
3 The offline process is carried out as a ‘ run ’ at a specified time and of specified duration , during which period the offline operator must be present to fulfil the demands for mounting and dismounting the offline media .
4 The bank manager , accountant , solicitor or building contractor might have something to offer at a particular time or for a particular purpose but they would not be fully established voting members of the group .
5 Volumes of almost 900m shares reflected not only the Midland placing , but also a sizeable number of program trades , where institutions inject or extract large blocks of funds across a range of stocks at a pre-arranged time and at pre-determined prices .
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