Example sentences of "at a [noun] [conj] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The prime business of the eight members of the London Discount Market Association is to buy bills at a discount and hold them until redemption date , thereby taking a profit .
2 He drained it at a draught and threw it back , the dark mood that had kept him silent from Ivrigar falling away .
3 RJR 's credit rating is being ruined by junk bonds whose interest rates are supposed to be reset by May 1991 at a level that restores them to 100% of their issue prices .
4 Yes , in Vienna , a lady , I will not say her name but assure you that any conversation I had with poor little Mrs Crump was most decidedly not on this subject and not about this lady — she has clearly clutched at a reference and taken it for a confidence — in Vienna , this lady of , I may admit it , royal connection , formed an attachment for me which was not reciprocated but proved most difficult to disengage .
5 Since daylight was flooding into the world , I was able to stay at a distance and keep him in sight .
6 It is important that you do your chosen exercise at a pace that makes you slightly breathless and increases your heart rate , but not so much that you can not maintain the exercise for at least twenty or thirty minutes .
7 The child 's own feelings were split between mortification at a christening that doomed him to live out for good a pun that he could already see to be gruesome and pride that his father had cared for him enough to embed him into his act by the very roots of his name .
8 everyone clusters appreciatively round your partner at a party and ignores you
9 Shultz had put his arm round him at a party and told him what a remarkable job he had done , keeping the Nicaraguan resistance alive : ‘ I knew what he meant .
10 Hence the two highly ‘ cultured ’ individuals who meet at a party and find they have nothing in common to talk about .
11 Maybe he was looking at a book that told you things like that .
12 A thatcher can look at a roof and tell you who thatched it by the pattern . ’
13 This is what happens with tax exempt sources and by looking at a TESSA and assuming you pay the maximum each year which are those figures and assuming that the interest rate stays at seven and a half percent , it wo n't but it 's seven and a half percent at the moment , then this is what happens , at the end of the first year you 've put in your three thousand your interest at seven and a half percent is two twenty five and you would otherwise pay tax at fifty six at twenty five percent or twenty or forty which would be those figures , but you do n't .
14 We will call at a time that suits you — even if that 's an evening or a Sunday and we guarantee to repair or replace faulty equipment within 24 hours of your call .
15 Exercise at least 3 times a week at a time that suits you best .
16 Travel from your chosen departure point at a time that suits you .
17 You will have to change and dry the blotting paper frequently during the next few days , so either take a good stock with you , or carefully remove one sheet at a time and iron it dry before replacing it .
18 Suppose you are required to perform the simple task of placing each of a pile of twenty counters into a jam jar , picking up one counter at a time and dropping it into the jar .
19 Bring them in one at a time and show them a series of articles such as a pot , a plate , a flask and a small stool .
20 It looks like they 're going to announce it by stealth , one pit at a time and take it right through the review procedure at three month stages .
21 Cold setting was carried out by selecting the characters one at a time and placing them in a compositor 's stick .
22 The function contains a loop which picks up one character at a time and classifies it .
23 His features were strong and rather austere , and his high cheekbones gave him a distinction that was all his own , though the line of his well-cut mouth hinted at a sensuality that disturbed her without her knowing why .
24 You should be able to buy these books at a bookshop or borrow them from a library .
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