Example sentences of "at the end [prep] [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Within a few days they were ready to invite Poole to a dinner of roast pork and potatoes — cooked in the baker 's oven because the cottage had none that could be used — and at the end of January a letter to John Prior Estlin described with quiet enthusiasm the clear brook which ran before the cottage door , a pretty garden — ‘ large enough to find us vegetables and employment ’ — and an orchard lying beyond which was about to become home for some ducks and geese , as well as two pigs .
2 The dissolution of BCP cells in the armed forces had already been ordered by the former politburo on Jan. 24 and had been accomplished by Feb. 15 , while at the end of January a congress of the Union of Journalists had banned party cells from newspapers and publishing houses .
3 At the end of January an invitation from Richard Brinsley Sheridan to write a tragedy for Drury Lane left Coleridge ‘ gratified and somewhat elated ’ , and vowing that whatever time he could spare from reviewing he would now devote to play-writing .
4 At the end of January an opinion poll showed support for the war at less than 30 per cent .
5 At the end of January an amendment to Article 27 of the 1917 Constitution implementing a radical agricultural reform was approved by Congress and signed by President Carlos Salinas de Gortari who had first proposed the reform in November 1991 [ see p. 38569 ] .
6 When the full County Council met at the end of January the County Manager proposed the Council should commission An Foras Forbartha ( AFF ) to undertake a study of the issue .
7 At the end of January the government confirmed that the proposed referendum on whether the temporary merger of the Northern and Eastern provinces should be made permanent [ see p. 36735 ] would be postponed for a further six months .
8 At the end of January the government had launched its long-postponed programme of privatizing 100 state companies , intended to raise US$7,000 million in 1991 and up to US$18,000 million by the end of 1992 .
9 At the end of January the government froze the prices of 14 staple goods , in a measure which Dimitrov described as anti-market but necessary for social reasons .
10 At the end of January the government stated that allied bombing had damaged 84 per cent of utilities but that 90 per cent of the damage had been repaired .
11 Mrs Chandler regained consciousness at the end of September a month after the attack but was never able to recall the attack .
12 At the end of September the group split up ; determined to get away from things English , they now decided to explore different areas , thinking they would learn more German if they gave up each others ' company .
13 At the end of September the picture was complicated by increasing evidence that the billionaire Ross Perot , who had campaigned as an undeclared candidate in the early stages of the race but then withdrawn [ see pp. 38997-98 ] , was set to make a formal declaration of his candidacy .
14 At the end of July the debtor instructed other solicitors .
15 At the end of July the Great Eastern Railways conveyed 500 tons of green peas on a single day from the area around Maldon in Essex .
16 They said that every year at the end of winter the cows are so thin and weak that diseases spread and wipe them out like flies .
17 At the end of October the Department of Agriculture called for the elimination of all export subsidies on US agricultural produce within five years .
18 At the end of October the Islamic fundamentalist Welfare Party ( RP ) won 28 per cent of the vote in Istanbul and 25 per cent overall , and the True Path party some 17 per cent overall , in municipal elections for newly created city district councils involving about 800,000 voters in Istanbul and a further 200,000 in other provinces .
19 After several European countries had made similar pledges , the European Community declared at the end of February a 1995 ban on production of all five " fully-halogenated " CFCs listed under the Protocol , together with the industrial solvents carbon tetrachloride and methyl chloroform , and halons , used in fire extinguishers .
20 At the end of treatment the therapist thought that Liz would probably experience further problems in the future and so discussed with her possible ways of dealing with new difficulties .
21 At the end of December a major offensive around Sarajevo appeared imminent as some 10,000 Bosnian Moslem reinforcements gathered on Mount Igman above the capital .
22 At the end of December the government was reported to be considering introducing the US dollar as its official currency .
23 At the end of December the foreign creditors refused and called on the government to bear more responsibility for Koor 's financial problems .
24 Information came to light on Jan. 8 that at the end of December the Serbian national bank had secretly issued 18,300 million dinars ( US$1,400 million ) of new money without approval by the federal National Bank of Yugoslavia , in order to make a loan to the Serbian government .
25 One evening at the end of May a middle-aged man was walking home from Shaston to the village of Marlott in the Vale of Blackmoor .
26 At the end of May the first meeting of the London and South East branch of the S.D.R.R.S. was held in the Camden Irish Centre and it is hoped that this branch and its members will make a valuable contribution to the restoration effort .
27 Since its submission for debate at the end of May the plan , and especially the swingeing price rises it entailed , had aroused fierce opposition among politicians and the public .
28 At the end of May the charity is hoping to send a group of volunteer tradespeople out to renovate one block of the hospital .
29 At the end of March the rouble current account had a deficit of 184,000,000 roubles compared with a surplus of 414,000,000 roubles 12 months previously .
30 At the Party Conference held at the end of April the Bolsheviks officially repudiated even the most heavily qualified support for the Provisional Government and adopted Lenin 's programme which was disseminated in crisp , clear , and hard-hitting language .
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