Example sentences of "at the [noun] where the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Hayward and his collaborators are among those to have reported this discovery in ANAS ( vol 79 , p 7842 ) ; they , and a collaborative team led by Bob Gallow of the US National Institutes of Health and Carlo Croce of the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia , have shown that the myc gene is strategically placed at the breakpoint where the translocated fragment of chromosome 8 links up with chromosome 14 in lymphoma cells .
2 Sunset and sunrise are to be taken at the place where the alleged offences were committed .
3 Rourke stared down at the place where the menacing point of the scissors threatened his solar plexus .
4 We had been looking forward rather to this little drive between East and West Tarbert , but our greatest pleasure was when we stepped safely down at the pier where the little Islay steamer " Fingal " was waiting to carry us to this island of Jura .
5 Then , fold up the length of the strip to a depth of 1cm ( ½inch ) and make snips up to this folded mark at the points where the large corner creases occur — four or five in all .
6 Yesterday flowers had been placed at the spot where the young schoolfriends died and a simple wooden cross bore the message ‘ To Deanne and Nadine with love . ’
7 It is probably here that the greatness of Nizan 's writing ability is most clearly exemplified , at the line where the political and the personal collide .
8 At the cessation of the solo passage , if the instrument continues to play but only has a subordinate part , it is a good plan to place an asterisk at the point where the prominent passage ends .
9 Beyond Inverewe is Poolewe , a picturesque village overlooking the head of Loch Ewe at the point where the rushing River Ewe enters the loch .
10 It lay at the point where the fertile coastal plain to which Shurton belonged gave way to the austerely beautiful Quantock Hills , and in the meeting of those two quite different landscapes the village acquired something of its distinctive character : Stowey was a place always busy with the concerns of a lowland domestic world , but the gateway as well to a solitary hill country where man 's dominance was suddenly challenged and nature prevailed .
11 In ‘ Kubla Khan ’ , Coleridge vividly imagines and describes a ‘ stately pleasure-dome ’ of enormous conception , which is situated at the point where the sacred river delves underground into a savage and huge network of caves ‘ measureless to man ’ .
12 Most pertinently , they 're at the point where the dubious advantage of being sucked into London systematically develop in front of their half-repulsed eyes .
13 The can , with engines fixed to its rear-end , would be attached to the shuttle 's big external fuel tank at the point where the winged orbiter normally sits .
14 This is greatest at the point where the main vein , carrying blood from the animal 's body back into its heart , is constricted as it passes through the animal 's chest .
15 If the sail edge is overhead , or nearly overhead , the cross-spar at the point where the stand-off is fitted , then a carbon rod should be used .
16 Suggestive crop-marks at the point where the projected line of the defences meets the emerging east-west street have also been photographed from the air , but proof of another gate here will have to wait for excavation .
17 At the point where the Christian and the non-Christian premises are intermingled the issues are often confused .
18 Hagans was staying at a bail hostel at the time where the only restriction was that he had to be in beween 11 a.m. in the evening and 7 a.m. in the morning .
19 They are saying that such information will only realise its value if it is available to the person , at the point , at the time where the strategic decision to act upon that information can best be made .
20 The feeling persisted and suddenly , although he knew he was being ridiculous , he felt he had to take a ride into Mansfield to have a look at the site where the old Empire Theatre had once stood .
21 At the places where the dark zones meet the pale central part of the body there is a soft intermediate zone , rather than a sharp edge .
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