Example sentences of "at the [noun] i [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At the top I fumbled in my pockets for my key .
2 At the rake I parted with my companion and , sated for one day , returned home .
3 During my time at the DHSS I met over the table with three Chief Secretaries and , I have to admit , had battles with them all .
4 Looking up at the stars I thought of the goddess Nut , her breasts spangled with constellations .
5 ‘ But all I needed to do was look at the support I got from the club and the fans when we were at the bottom last season .
6 When I wrote a line or two of Lover at the Gate I felt at ease , buoyantly happy , confident .
7 At the meeting I reported on the position of the gathering health service dispute and we then looked at a number of other pay issues .
8 As we sat there at the wedding-feast I held to the pedestrian belief that the rustling jetsam at my feet was merely the accumulation of champagne foil .
9 When I arrived at the counter I asked for Katrina .
10 Three at the Eucharist I preached at last month .
11 They did n't have them at the bookshop I went to , they 'd never heard of the magazine , and a friend of mine who writes poetry said he was certain it did n't exist . ’
12 With Terrie now at the helm I climbed to the spreaders again , binoculars in hand .
13 Er er you see it was all , with me it was when I , at the time I went to work and er I had to leave work to have my baby you see .
14 As a Lower boy at the time I came before the Lower Master .
15 ‘ Things have turned out all right for them , though at the time I felt like you , and thought they ought to have stayed till eighteen , as I did , and the two elder ones did .
16 At the time I got to him there were about four other people with him just trying to resuscitate him , giving him cardiac massage .
17 At the time I accepted without question all that The Milebrook offered .
18 I do n't think I should say sorry for doing what at the time I believed to be right , ’ said the Prime Minister , receiving his loudest ovation of the night .
19 In 1980 when Allan Wells won a Gold Medal at the Olympics I looked at the British tracksuits and thought : well , nothing much has changed in 56 years !
20 So anyway I got to and I was amazed at the opposition I got from the two or three staff shunters at .
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