Example sentences of "at [num] [noun sg] a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Histoire , whilst at one level a transposition of the discontinuity of experience , can at the same time be considered as providing an implicit commentary on the nature of fiction and writing : the text can be said to be formed from a meditation on a collection of postcards which the narrator is sifting through .
2 The court was at one time a centre of licentiousness and depravity , of corruption and influence peddling .
3 There was at one time a kind of folk-tale relating to this game in Suffolk .
4 Nitro-chalk was at one time a by-product of the gas and other industries , but now that manufacturing methods have changed , it is not so plentiful or cheap .
5 Martin was for some years tutor to the MacLeods of Skye , and had also been at one time a scholar at Leiden University in the Netherlands .
6 Between the Jordan and Jericho is the site of Gilgal , at one time a sanctuary of the highest importance in ancient Israel .
7 At one time a sum of £20,000 was mentioned , but seemingly has never materialised .
8 There were at one time a number of city-states , each with its own god .
9 At one institution a group of medical officers argued that it was against the interests of most long-term hospital residents with chronic illnesses to be resettled in community units .
10 At one point a group of us decided that the best way to stop being hassled about separatism was to publish instalments of the CLIT papers in the weekly newsletter , which was mailed to women all over London and beyond .
11 The Sunday Eucharist is a time for great thanksgiving , and each day at 12.00 noon a time of prayer and silence will be kept .
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