Example sentences of "by [pron] [noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There are many countries and many greedy persons who will suffer themselves to be gulled by my promise of mountains of gold .
2 In fact the railway was quite prosperous in the early years of this century , crippled only by its burden of debts from the past .
3 Such slow-moving particles would not be detected in conventional particle-physics experiments , which register a particle 's passage by its ionisation of atoms in the detecting medium .
4 The portrait as genre here serves its traditional function in a postmodern world of fragmentation and exerts control on the narratives of subjectivity ( sitter/artist/spectator ) by its articulation of notions of continuity within syntactical disruption .
5 Most often , the manitou appeared as a nature-spirit and was depicted by its tribe with fetish-charms of certain animals , trees , stones , stars or water .
6 Even if — and it is a big " if " — an unobjectionable means could be devised by which choice among candidates on party lists could be indicated and also convincingly assessed for the award of seats , the possibility of that choice could not be provided by any practicable modification of the WGMS which would at the same time ensure a high degree of proportionality and be acceptable to British electors and parties .
7 Proceedings for contempt of court are the means by which obedience to orders of the court and adherence to undertakings are ensured .
8 As William Gutteridge had pointed out in 1969 , the ability of the new polytechnics to match up to the universities was drastically hampered by their lack of resources of all kinds :
9 The confusion about the project has been made worse by the Government 's vacillation and indecision , and also by their lack of answers to my hon. Friends about where the finance for the project will come from .
10 It can be proposed that the ‘ market room ’ ( on the platform ) for newcomers who have not generated completely new demand markets , is provided by their capture of markets from local firms on the platform .
11 Simpkin will be better able to gauge how good Hong Kong 's chances will be at the September 19th-26th Asian Championship in Seoul by their performance in internationals against the Americans ( April 18th in San Francisco ) and the Russians ( early September ) .
12 The great apes substantially share our intellectual powers , as demonstrated by their use of tools in captivity , but only chimpanzees use tools to obtain food in the wild ; they use twigs to fish termites out of holes .
13 The sherpas climbing with her were so impressed by her stamina in temperatures around 30C below freezing they made her an honorary ‘ sherpani ’ .
14 Why , having found herself remarkably unmoved by her succession of boyfriends to date , even Jeremy 's cunning ploys and reasoned arguments , and having reached the not inconsiderable age of twenty-four , had she been consumed with that burning hunger last night ?
15 Her best is about the reaction to her public appearances : Every time Margi is on the television , she claims , she goes home to be pursued by her mother with buckets of holy water .
16 He is not a man who courts company , often cutting a solitary and somewhat broody figure , but colleagues say he was frustrated by his lack of opportunities with England in the winter and , more recently , by his inability to build big innings for Middlesex .
17 His concern for religion was shown by service on the commission for the propagation of the gospel in Wales ( where he became a JP ) and by his part in petitions for toleration , which no doubt reinforced contacts with Oliver Cromwell .
18 Later , on Oct. 1 , he claimed that Gates 's role " was to corrupt the process and the ethics of intelligence " , exemplified by his doctoring of assessments of the assassination attempt on the Pope in May 1981 in order to suggest KGB involvement , and his wilfully inflated estimate of Soviet influence in Iran in the mid-1980s in order to justify the sale of arms to so-called moderates in Tehran — the first step toward the Iran-contra scandal .
19 A man like Mr Silvester Horne is regarded by his congregation with feelings of almost unmeasured adoration , due to the fact that he and they are really opening the book of life for the first time together and comparing impressions .
20 In some cases he may be able to obtain an injunction to restrain the breach and in any case he will be adequately compensated by his remedy in damages for breach of contract as his damage can scarcely be other than financial .
21 That unrivalled reputation is supported with plants in both the United Kingdom and the United States where Stoway Masts ( in-mast furling ) , Stobooms ( in-boom furling ) and Seafurls ( manual and hydraulic headsail furling systems ) are manufactured and assembled , backed up by our network of agents in Europe and across the world .
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