Example sentences of "by [art] [noun sg] that it [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 She had a feeling of being carried such distances by the water that it was impossible for any more harm to come to her .
2 After the shock , I was warmed by the idea that the visitor was Jesus or an angel , and then terrified by the thought that it was an omen of my death .
3 Such was the emotion caused by the attack that it was some time before any of the defenders recalled that the Collector had not been feeling well and wondered what had become of him .
4 The Policy Planning Staff opinion on Kremlin-directed strategy went word for word into the NSC report The position of the United States with respect to Asia ( NSC 48/1 ) whose conclusions were approved by the US President on 30 December 1949 ( NSC 48/2 ) , although in the NSC paper it was an expression that was qualified by the proposition that it was the colonial — nationalist conflict which had provided a fertile field for subversive communist activities .
5 However , staying was ruled out by the realisation that it was impossible to find a suitable single site to accommodate all the various departments .
6 His silly face , so meaningless and without awareness of danger , seemed translated into sense through his return to music , and his entire concentration on the rhythms of the jig — Nicandra felt exhausted and exasperated by the realization that it was not in her power to be either kind or cruel to Silly-Willie .
7 ‘ But surely she must have known what the job entailed ? ’ she snapped , her anger in no way lessened by the knowledge that it was illogical .
8 It was considered so influential by The Man that it was taken off air in '64 for fear of jaundicing the electorate .
9 Professor Wood has noted the paradox that in Normandy ‘ the rights and powers or its rulers [ i.e. the dukes ] so far exceeded those possessed by the king that it was desirable to maintain the duchy as a territory apart , and provide for its continued semi-autonomous existence ’ .
10 I , I ca n't understand the secretariat allowing this to come out were told by the president that it was not possible to use this money unless it was grant related .
11 Tillyard suggested the principle of order was so taken for granted by the age that it was rarely directly articulated — ‘ the utter commonplaces too familiar for the poets to make detailed use of except in explicitly didactic passages , but essential as basic assumptions and invaluable at moments of high passion ’ .
12 Waldock remained unconvinced by the argument that it was contrary to the sovereign equality of States , for the third party remained free to reject the right , a view he considered supported by more recent State practice and jurisprudence .
13 In the case of Archer-Shee , which is said to have established that such income is income of the beneficiary , it appears to have been conceded by the Revenue that it was not to be so treated as regards liability for Income Tax .
14 He found the club welcoming , helped by the fact that it was a path south previously trodden by another Leicester stalwart , Les Cusworth , whom Liley remembers watching as a lad of seven or eight at Wakefield .
15 THE role of the church in helping to topple the Communist order in Poland and East Germany , compounded by the fact that it was the fate of a Protestant clergyman in Timisoara that triggered the unrest in Romania , has raised the prospect of Romanian churches becoming a focus of political resistance .
16 The effectiveness of the Labour Spain Committee was impaired both by the fact that it was was associated with the movement in the constituency Labour parties and also because it was effectively advocating a a popular front against fascism , which the Labour Party continued to reject throughout the 1930s ; after the political disasters of 1931 it wanted no treating with its political enemies whether of the left or the right .
17 The cost to God of his redemptive act is underlined by the fact that it was only achieved through the death of his Son .
18 Much of what has been considered to be poststructuralism 's wild disregard for history can be accounted for by the fact that it was operating within this — largely unknown outside France — anti-empiricist and anti-positivist tradition .
19 The lack of tangible reward for either side after the very heavy losses suffered by both was compounded by the fact that it was seen as a war that no one had actually wanted .
20 The importance that the Government place on this section is shown by the fact that it was among the first provisions of the 1989 Act to be brought into operation and the regulations made under it were among the first to be published .
21 It was not helped by the fact that it was involuntarily wriggling on the plate .
22 That this was so , and that its effect was emphasised by the fact that it was largely in these same regions that opportunities for women and children to earn expanded when elsewhere they may even have declined , explains why home demand at least did not collapse despite increasing dependency ratios , very slowly growing income per capita and a deterioration in real wages on the part of , probably , the majority of the working population .
23 The South American story is complicated by the fact that it was subject to sporadic waves of invasion by mammals from North America .
24 This is further confirmed by the fact that it was the same three informants who did not mark " reaction tanks ' as SF elements ( which could otherwise be characterised as central examples of an SF world ) .
25 She knew by the temperature that it was now about the sixth hour .
26 His wheat and hay had all been so damaged by the rain that it was worthless .
27 The whole performance was an almost total waste of time , and was accompanied by a belief that it was necessary to demonstrate that one was working long hours in the evenings , and preferably all weekends as well .
28 Did not tradition relate how Saint James had three times attempted to ascend Massis , and on the third occasion been told by an angel that it was forbidden , but that the angel had given him a plank of wood from the Ark , and there where he had received it was founded the monastery of Saint James ?
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