Example sentences of "at [adv] [pers pn] [vb mod] [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And if you manages to blow them all out at once you can make a wish , ’ said Carrie .
2 It is true that relief from the parish might be obtained in case of distress , but there would always be those whose pride would forbear them from applying for the pittance — at least they would avoid the humiliating and rigorous means test .
3 But it was kind of him to have organised this — and at least they would command a good view of the bridge .
4 But at least they would clarify the current situation and offer the Prince a place in history alongside his great uncle .
5 Okay , they 're poor paid , but at least they would have the pride of saying that they 've got a job whereas the elderly are having to just sit at home and turning down their fires and turning down their central heating in case they ca n't afford their bills !
6 And at least we 'll find the girls ' car because according to what one can make out of her statement , they were removed from it somewhere on the road between here and Taverna yesterday morning … ’
7 And if Unix advocates counter the criticisms with the promise of the Universal Measurement Architecture , proposed by Unix International and the Open Software Foundation , he points out that there are so many options in the specification that we will only be marginally better off : ‘ at least we 'll know the format of the data that is n't there ’ , he said .
8 Grating ginger , Phoebe Snow on the stereo thank you but I 'm just lookin ' , sipping wine , a wry smile damping her forest fire , she thought , at least we 'll have a good meal .
9 At least we 'll have a lot of speed ,
10 at least we 'll have the notes to back up what we 're doing , and I
11 ‘ Well , ’ wrote Aunt Margaret , ‘ at least we shall have a day of rest tomorrow . ’
12 Then at least we would avoid the congestion of bus traffic along there and if townbound traffic was limited to one stop on the museum side of Tubwell Row instead of two stops in 100 yards we might get somewhere in more senses than one .
13 ‘ If you 're going to enjoy Tivoli as it deserves to be enjoyed , I think for tonight at least we should call a truce , ’ he suggested , apparently unaware of her intense reaction to his touch , as they walked past the Pantominteatret , where a performance of the traditional Italian pantomime was taking place on the open-air stage .
14 At least we can watch the fancy-dress parade , even if you ca n't take part in it — and I 'm afraid there 's no chance of that now . ’
15 ‘ I do n't pretend that this will ever be a Labour seat , but at least we can force the opposition to work harder , give them a run for their money , ’ he said .
16 If not , ’ he shrugged , ‘ at least we can shoot the bastard .
17 This is a very minimal level of quantification , if quantification at all , but at least we can add the frequency with which these values occur within some collection of persons .
18 Perhaps Becky had sold everything as he instructed , he thought , as he left the market to carry on down Whitechapel Road where at least he would have a chance to catch up with one of his sisters , rest and gather his thoughts .
19 He might not be able to stop murder at Godstowe , but at least he might trap the assassin who stalked the priory .
20 Then at least he 'll take the heat off you .
21 ‘ If I tell him about Tim at least he 'll have a sensible line of enquiry . ’
22 Well at least he can have a word with him about it and see what and he can do , and then you go to and see what they can do .
23 But at least he can plead the provocation of referee Joe Worrall 's bizarre decision to allow Boro 's first goal after 48 minutes .
24 At least he will have no United ghost on his shoulder , although Ferguson 's team is insubstantial enough .
25 At least he will have no United ghost on his shoulder , although Ferguson 's team is insubstantial enough .
26 I do n't mind that and at least she 'll have a shortish coat wo n't she ?
27 If she married , at least she would have a life of her own , away from prying eyes .
28 At least she 'd have a few precious moments alone with him before Doreen arrived .
29 At least she can get a bit of food , even if it 's only summat
30 At least you 'll have a break , and who knows what could happen ?
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