Example sentences of "at [adj] time [conj] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But presumably there were one or two great exponents around at that time that set the whole thing off ?
2 Most stony meteorites formed at that time as did the irons , which had already solidified from cores or pools of molten metal that lay within their small parent bodies .
3 She still keeps in touch with friends made at that time and sends a copy of the Glenpatrick News to the retired Chief Industrial Engineer , Mr Wyffles .
4 ‘ I was obviously low at that time and needed a pick-up .
5 Buying two wooden spoons can be more fun at this time than purchasing an expensive set of china in later years .
6 The unmitigated gall of the man , strolling up at this time and expecting a welcome .
7 Galois , it is usually said , coined the word group at this time and introduced the concept of normal subgroup .
8 This study investigates the needs of women at this time and examines the support which they receive from family and friends as well as that from health professionals in hospital and in the community .
9 No-one wants to have a glare lamp in their face at closing time nor to have a doorman shouting ‘ Drink up ’ in the middle of an act even if it did get a laugh .
10 No , I 've I I did think at one time whether to pass a note , bye !
11 Why should he build barns , drain land , clear wasteland and so on , if his landlord could turn him out at any time and reap the benefit of the improvement himself ?
12 In future , trainers and jockeys with any suspicion that their horse has been ‘ got at ’ can withdraw from the race at any time and request a dope test .
13 The manager should identify the number of staff which can be released at any time and provide the information to the school of nursing .
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