Example sentences of "at [adj] [noun sg] [conj] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We estimated the count er by looking at each individual section at low power and collecting the three most vascular areas .
2 Try circling at low speed and reversing the turn to get the feel of the ailerons .
3 It offers a firm , well-controlled ride that 's a little noisy at low speed and thumps a bit over potholes , but it 's far from bone-shaking .
4 We looked at European history and traced the effects which the growth of specialised institutions of government and administration have had on women 's potential for political influence .
5 She saw them glance at each other and exchange a conspiratorial arching of the eyebrows , compounded in Miller 's case by the faintest of nods .
6 All they had done was look at each other and exchange a few very prosaic words , yet something magical was happening .
7 Haavikko saw how the two men smiled knowingly at each other and felt a sudden warmth — a sense of belonging — flood through him .
8 They looked at each other and gave a shrug of their shoulders , then the big man said to Morris : ‘ Your son is a lucky man , having you for a father .
9 We had a nice stare at each other and gave the fans a bit of excitement .
10 If we set out to design something ( a business , a project , a product , a campaign , a job ) we need to keep our priorities clearly in mind at each step because alter a while the momentum of the design will take over and dictate what comes next .
11 They were really traction engines with flanged wheels and buffers at each end and had the advantage that their flywheels could be used to drive machinery when they were not being used as locomotives .
12 The small circular bow is for suspension from a chain while the narrow square-sectioned shank is notched at each end and has a large incised ‘ X ’ on one side .
13 When you 've ploughed your way through all that mail , glanced at each report and discarded the promotional bumph , the last thing you might want to do is read a book or journal on management .
14 The corresponding amounts at the previous year end include its assets and liabilities at that date and show the shares issued by the group to acquire it as if they had been in issue then .
15 It 's not her fault , ’ said Jeremy Vole , but no one heard him because Ferd Frog and his wife , Polly , hopped from the water just at that moment and joined the ruckus .
16 But presumably there were one or two great exponents around at that time that set the whole thing off ?
17 Most stony meteorites formed at that time as did the irons , which had already solidified from cores or pools of molten metal that lay within their small parent bodies .
18 She still keeps in touch with friends made at that time and sends a copy of the Glenpatrick News to the retired Chief Industrial Engineer , Mr Wyffles .
19 ‘ I was obviously low at that time and needed a pick-up .
20 I said , puffing furiously at empty air and flicking an imaginary lighter .
21 What it does is lie at half cock and suspend a floating bait onto the water 's surface .
22 ‘ What 's the point of sending Officer Hassan flying off at half cock and upsetting a lot of people if it 's all to no purpose ? ’
23 therefore it is quite important to grasp at this stage that moving the lace carriage to transfer stitches is only setting up the pattern of holes that will next be knitted in by the main carriage .
24 Old Lincolnshire folk claim that in the 1920 's one could stand at this point and see no less than sixteen windmills noiselessly at work .
25 However , the finding that school leaving qualifications are associated with disease severity highlights the importance of ill health at this age and suggests the need for flexibility in the education of those who suffer health problems during study for examinations .
26 Buying two wooden spoons can be more fun at this time than purchasing an expensive set of china in later years .
27 The unmitigated gall of the man , strolling up at this time and expecting a welcome .
28 Galois , it is usually said , coined the word group at this time and introduced the concept of normal subgroup .
29 This study investigates the needs of women at this time and examines the support which they receive from family and friends as well as that from health professionals in hospital and in the community .
30 I mean the idea of course is to try at some stage and run a trainer trainer 's course , so that we expand the number of people who can who can do the training .
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