Example sentences of "at [adj] [noun] it [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 His subsequent letters to her reveal a side of his personality that Victorian biographers preferred to suppress At this point it seems that Wolfgang was interested in matters more scatological than sexual ; his humour is of the smutty adolescent variety that was evidently taken for granted in Salzburg middle class society .
2 At some point it seems that Theo made a most fatuous comment .
3 At all events it seemed that the Cold War , if it had a victor , had been won by the West .
4 At first sight it appears that the presumption of continuity was formally rejected by Article 16 of the Vienna Convention on Succession of States in Respect of Treaties .
5 At first glance it seemed that the vision of Monnet and Schuman of gradual sectoral integration binding the participants even closer together was one important step nearer realisation .
6 At first glance it appears that Braudel has merely hit on a convenient fashion of dividing up the past , to bring it under control and make it easier for historians to encompass .
7 At first glance it appears that the government has not been particularly successful in bringing about reductions in local government expenditure .
8 At one minute it seemed that he had been having a fine old dream about Humans and banquets and the Frost Giantess frying on a spit .
9 At one time it seemed that the best approach to the problem would be to reduce the level of lead in petrol , but not to eliminate it altogether .
10 At one point it seemed that any would-be London cabbie seeking to learn ‘ the knowledge ’ had only to memorise Ray Davies ' song output in order to locate any part of the Metropolis .
11 At one point it looked as though the helicopter operator and entrepreneur Alan Bristow would come to the company 's rescue , but when he changed his mind there was a crisis of confidence .
12 At one point it looked like we 'd have to restore the whole room .
13 At one stage it looked as though McCallen might catch Dunlop as he closed the gap to three seconds but it was not to be and Dunlop opened up the gap again over the last two laps so that with victory in sight he had a cushion of seven seconds .
14 At one stage it seemed as though the government would decide on a scheme operated by banks as the lenders , but the financial institutions were unenthusiastic .
15 At several points it appeared that the discussions between congressmen and Budget Director Richard G. Darman and White House Chief of Staff John Sununu , had broken down .
16 Sometimes Althusser seems to imply that different histories may range through different modes of production , at other times it appears that they are specific to each , an effect of the overdetermination of the social formation .
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