Example sentences of "he [modal v] also [vb infin] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For the purpose of seeing whether his suspicions are well-founded , he may … stop any person carrying goods which he suspects to have been stolen , he may also examine the person and detain him .
2 He may also face the prospect of long-term hardship , if he can not return to work at all .
3 He will need my attention and as I note from his record that he is also a Roman Catholic by religion , he may also need the ministrations of Father Martin here . ’
4 McGregor wrote that ‘ since no important decision ever pleases everyone in the organisation , he must also absorb the displeasures , and sometimes severe hostility , of those who would have taken a different course ’ .
5 Thus Vaughan is assuming a certain amount of shared knowledge on the part of the reader ; but because we can not , naturally , see things from the perspective of his origo , he must also assist the reader in the assignment of indexical or deictic meanings .
6 Someone might say : it is a principle of personal morality that if someone shares in the gains of another 's action he must also share the responsibility for wrongs that other person does .
7 Assuming that a president can overcome these difficulties sufficiently to establish some discipline within the executive branch , he must also obtain the agreement of congress to his legislative proposals .
8 He suddenly felt cold but he could also feel the sweat running down the sides of his face .
9 He could also expect the backing of Dr John Cunningham , Labour 's campaign 's co-ordinator , and other key shadow Cabinet figures .
10 He could also shorten the period in which residents could make a claim for compensation and alter the cost of a survey of buildings outside the protected property area .
11 He could also see the driver of the sledge-a huge figure , much bigger than a man .
12 Based on that I have to give it to Mel cos he could also bend the ball around the wall to score — I never saw Lorimer do that ( he did nt have to ! ) .
13 Immediately after the service my aunt would dash to work at Nelson House , one of the Godolphin School Boarding Houses , whilst my mother and sisters came home to breakfast , already prepared by Dad , and in winter time he would also have the kitchen fire blazing away .
14 He would also refute the suggestion that the ancestors of the Craft were Druids or ancient Egyptians .
15 As for his opinions on M.E. , I must assume that he would also condemn the support groups for MS , cancer and heart disease as ‘ self-commiserative ’ societies .
16 I am sure that he will also welcome the reduction in mortgage rates announced by the Abbey National today .
17 He will also tell the island 's planning committee that it should go forward to public consultation and a public meeting .
18 He will also notify the authority and any person named in the complaint as having taken or authorised the action complained of , giving them an opportunity to comment on any allegations contained in the complaint .
19 If your offer is accepted , the vendor 's agent will notify you in writing , and he will also notify the vendor and his solicitor as well as your own solicitor .
20 He will also obviate the effects of early disappointments at not being able to " speak like a native " after several weeks of study .
21 After Wentworth he will play two tournaments in Japan which means he will also miss the World Cup in his home country .
22 He will also keep the greens watered , anticipating a wind for all four rounds of the £350,000 promotion , the first of four by the Spanish Tourist Board .
23 He will also contact the Boys ' Brigade , to see if they 'd be prepared to play , and S O S transport international , to obtain more information .
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