Example sentences of "he [modal v] [not/n't] [verb] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The interview ended shortly and our Elt said something about how perhaps he ought n't say that sort of thing on the Northwestern TV station …
2 B R would still run B R. However , as David Walter discovered , he may not have enough troops in the Commons to reverse that amendment .
3 If , while on his litter , the mirza should pass through a bazaar and see something which appeals to him ‘ he should not make any difficulty about the price , and ought not to buy like a common trader . ’
4 Preferably he should not show any feelings ; almost the only one considered ‘ respectable ’ for male prisoners is anger .
5 He should not introduce such arguments when we know what the Government are after — attacking the British coal industry .
6 It should be pointed out that if a beginner is suffering from any illness he should not practise this exercise until he is well , as the sudden rush of oxygen can be harmful .
7 Burghley told him that Elizabeth still considered him ‘ both an honest man and a good subject ’ but said that he should not raise such matters in the House .
8 ‘ Oh , sometimes it goes too far — although I 've always said he must n't leave any marks that are too obvious .
9 He silenced her with more kisses as he tried to remind himself that this young girl was not only innocent but trusted herself to his care ; that her father trusted him , and however uninhibited she might now appear to be , he must not abuse that faith .
10 ‘ It seemed at the time that he might not have much need of intimacy .
11 But I knew he might not take this view — it is only hindsight that makes you take it , and he was not old enough for hindsight .
12 He might n't score many goals , but there 'll be millions outside desperate to get in . ’
13 Poor love , he was so fair-skinned he could n't tolerate much sun and Majorca was sunnier and hotter than ever this season , according to him .
14 Either way , he could n't make that dame out .
15 Reynolds looked at the title of the piece , but he could n't make much sense of it .
16 But he could n't make any sense of it .
17 He could n't make any sense of it at all .
18 He could n't make any sense of it .
19 A production environment that sought to minimize expense was not especially stimulating to creativity , and some idea of the cynicism involved is evident from the instruction given to Adrian Brunel by the bosses at MGM that he could n't make any improvements in the film he had made for them lest his cuts shorten the film below the act 's definition of a full-length picture .
20 And when he felt he could n't walk another step , or wanted to question the wisdom of setting off down an unlit passage , he could always say Elaine 's so tired or Elaine 's a bit nervous .
21 So er I thought well he , he was not a too good a rep because he , he could n't answer this question .
22 He could n't eat another mouthful .
23 Eyes wide with surprise , he found that he could n't draw another breath , though the growing pain forced him to try .
24 Now that he was getting on in years he wanted to take things just that little bit easy , not see patient after patient , cramming in as many as possible , but space them out — eight , ten a day was enough — for with his practice so long established and his clientele so solid he could n't imagine any reason to fear blanks in his appointments book .
25 But he could n't see that happening to Henry .
26 But he could n't see any opening locally to take up farming on his own .
27 Preston glanced guiltily towards the rug by the fire but he could n't see any stains , not from here at least .
28 She prayed that he could n't see any flesh .
29 He could n't afford another lawsuit .
30 He could n't afford another scandal while waiting for trial .
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