Example sentences of "he [modal v] [vb infin] to be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He may choose to be dealt cards from any of the colour decks or the High Magic deck .
2 If he was grossly careless then he may deserve to be punished but not for rape . ’
3 Central TV fear he may have to be replaced .
4 If access to the toilet is difficult , perhaps because it has steps , or the room is too small for a wheelchair and the carer to manoeuvre in , he may have to be provided with a commode .
5 Even in a centrally heated home , the patient may still feel the cold , so he may need to be dressed warmly , and wear thermal socks .
6 He must expect to be asked , like the woman , about his recent sexual encounters and whether a condom was used or not .
7 Beryl said : ‘ We ca n't leave him here , he 'll have to be taken upstairs . ’
8 In the late afternoon the Committee pulled its favourite form of persuasion : it went into secret session , with a direction that if he did n't sing in secret he could expect to be jailed for contempt of Congress ( i.e. the committee ) .
9 But , as it was , he could expect to be made Solicitor-General and found a safe seat .
10 Each man will decide for himself how many arms and legs he wants , and whether he wants white skin or black skin , or whether he 'd prefer to be covered in furnishing fabric or mink .
11 He 'd like to be interviewed about his life , and talk about the kind of funeral he wants to have .
12 I promise him the same standard of service in my car as that which he would expect to be provided by a Conservative borough , or even a Conservative taxi service operated by myself .
13 Sam had a one-word vocabulary and yet he found no problem with making it perfectly clear whether he would prefer to be scratched under his chin , behind the ears , or on his tummy .
14 I asked him how he would prefer to be addressed and he said you can call him what you please , as long as it is polite .
15 He would continue to be cared for by nurses .
16 Lindsey used Bravo Golf from the time of its purchase in 1967 until 1973 as the family transport , that was until he had a visit from the Airshow Coordinator at RAF Finningley in 1973 who asked him if he would like to be shot down by a Spitfire and Hurricane at the Battle of Britain airshow that year !
17 Asked once how he would like to be remembered , he said , ‘ for producing Dylan Thomas 's Under Milk Wood and getting Basil D'Oliveira a cricketing job in England . ’
18 I 'm not sure that he would like to be described as a contacting Peter Hobson at Windyridge , Donington on Bain , Lincolnshire ( telephone : 0507 84737 ; fax : 0507 84393 ) as he dismantles fairly new vehicles .
19 Neither William nor Charles Frederick had quite the severity of countenance which one associates with Benjamin James : William in his twenties had a pleasant and confident face , with a full mouth which he would allow to be overgrown by a drooping and slightly unkempt moustache in later years .
20 After spending some time with the injured fan , Baggio said that if there was any violence during last Sunday 's game between the same two sides he would ask to be substituted .
21 Now he would have to be stripped , washed , FLOSSED and brought to my tent . ’
22 He would have to be faced tomorrow .
23 She did n't want to see him although she knew perfectly well that he would have to be faced .
24 Since it is impossible to communicate with him to reassure him he would have to be kept sedated .
25 He would have to be stopped .
26 He would have to be prepared for Godolphin 's wrath .
27 He also knew that if Clasper was to be toppled from his influential position as plant convener — which was essential to the long term recovery of the plant — he would have to be seen to be toppled by his own members , acting in their own interests .
28 He would have to be seen a.s.a.p. , and would have to come up with a satisfactory explanation of exactly why and when he 'd left The Randolph .
29 Attention would only be conditionally offered to Ollie if Stan was in the room , and if the family were enjoying a quiet cuddle with Stan , he would have to be rejected in favour of Ollie if he appeared .
30 The Tykes switched from Pakistan 's Aqib Javed because he would have to be given a two-year contract under TCCB rules while 21-year-old Benjamin could sign for a year .
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