Example sentences of "he [modal v] [vb infin] [pron] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The program designer in creating material of a much less familiar kind , needs a clear view of how the teaching unit may be used by a variety of teachers and how he may help them use it effectively .
2 ' ’ He may like you to tell him that . ’
3 She thought then that she could take anything but that he should know she loved him .
4 If it 's done properly , and I 'm not talking about fucking balaclavas and funny accents , there 's no reason why he should know who hit him . ’
5 For him to learn anything from it , he must know who wrote it .
6 He 'll instruct you to keep me away from all but the most harmless piece of equipment . ’
7 Then he 'll want me to kill them , I expect .
8 No , I assure you , he 'll want me to buy him out , which I can easily do .
9 ‘ You 're just jumping to conclusions , but if you go now he 'll think you did it . ’
10 Send him back the books and the money — he 'll think I stole them ! ’
11 Even though he ca n't stand the sight of me , he 'll do anything to get me to play if he thinks it will help .
12 He belongs to the drug he 's hooked on and he 'll do anything to get it .
13 He wants your practice and he 'll do anything to get it . ’
14 [ Name ] is the type of fella that if there 's something to be done that might cause him paperwork , he 'll do anything to avoid it .
15 I 'm sure he 'll arrange something to bring you back . ’
16 He 'll ask you to marry him . "
17 and we need s we need Stuart gets a van he 'll need someone to help him lift the washing machine and so on like
18 ‘ He has long arms and I think he 'll use them to hold me off and make it a long bout .
19 He does n't know who you are but he 'll say he knows you .
20 Erm but I 'm hoping that one day he 'll see I know he 's seen my work and I think I 've got a sneaking suspicion that when he came in here he was gon na ask me to do it .
21 If he knew how old she was he might want her to tell him what she had been doing the last few years .
22 well mind you , the only thing is he said did she get a phone call yesterday and she never so he might have he expected her to have had one .
23 He stretched and picked up the phone , but before he could dial he realised he had cut in on a conversation .
24 One gate that he could open himself let him into a front garden patrolled by two Dobermans , but he was okay with dogs because there had always been dogs at his mother 's home , and at his grandparents ' home .
25 He could tell I fancied her myself , so I assumed he was just making sure I knew how the land lay .
26 He could do nothing to persuade them to join him and they had left it too late .
27 He could remember them discussing it over the ironing and himself on the floor playing with his soldiers behind the sofa and keeping very quiet about it because it was way past his bedtime .
28 And — even assuming he could persuade her to drink it — was n't it , well , out of the ordinary to find half a litre of bleach in someone 's stomach ?
29 Cautiously he approached the smouldering heap , stood over it , and wondered if he could nerve himself to touch it in order to turn it over .
30 She went in for a drink one time , she liked a few drinks around midday , she used to say it helped the long hot afternoons slide by , ’ and Nathan smiled to himself , because he could hear her saying it .
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