Example sentences of "he [modal v] [be] a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well that brings us back to the idea that he may be a man of style , rather than substance , in terms of differentiating himself from Mrs Thatcher .
2 Articles 85 and 86 of Table A ( prescribed pursuant to the Companies Act 1985 ) provide that so long as a director has disclosed his interest to the company , he may be a party to or interested in any transaction , and shall not by reason of his office be accountable to the company for any benefit he receives from such a transaction .
3 If he makes statements from the Dispatch Box , he should be a man of honour and honour his promises .
4 No doubt it had a great deal of appeal because it suggested that , if someone could afford air travel , he must be a bit of a swinger and must be with it .
5 The commissioner who conducts the inquiry is appointed by the Lord Chancellor ( in England ) and he must be a barrister of not less than ten years ' standing .
6 Without a shirt the Frenchman 's body looked lean and hard , and she guessed he must be a man of her own age .
7 Her countrywoman 's upbringing told her that he must be a gamekeeper on the estate owned by the people at Hillmarden Hall — some property developer and his wife , she believed .
8 He must be a fixture of the cliche .
9 To the younger officers , Maxim 's presence proved that tomorrow would be The Day and — by reverse logic — that he must be a spy from Allied Command Europe come to report on their morale and even sobriety .
10 But he 'll be a year behind you ?
11 He 'll be a year behind me , and he 'll be on the same money as me .
12 You ask your daddy , he 'll be a part of it as well , he 'll be in the Brotherhood . ’
13 Looked a sensible , down-to-earth type to me , and he might be a corrective to what we 've just been hearing .
14 He might be a man with a wife in absentia , but he usually directed his charismatic charm towards ladies who , once again , he rightly suspected , knew their way about .
15 He might be a prisoner of war .
16 It was three years ago , when her husband was a new Cabinet Minister and there was a scare that he might be a target for the IRA .
17 However , underlying this was his teachers ' deeper concern that he might be a victim of physical and sexual abuse .
18 ‘ It is a measure of the level of the people with which he was dealing , in that at a time when he thought he might be a witness in another case , he was assaulted rendering him unconscious and his house was the subject of an arson attack . ’
19 ‘ It is a measure of the level of the people with which he was dealing in that , at a time when he thought he might be a witness in another case , he was assaulted , rendering him unconscious , and his house was the subject of an arson attack . ’
20 In the summer he might be a guest at a Mediterranean villa or at his house on the Costa Smeralda .
21 He might be a pal of Livingstone 's but there is still nothing to excuse Thompson 's mealy-mouthed attitude. : - .
22 He could be a disciple of Gordon E. Liddy with his macho bolted-down reserve .
23 Like this he could be a sack of rubbish .
24 I think he 'd be a bit of a hero for me — he managed to achieve such great things without using violence or hurting anybody .
25 The authorities feared he 'd be a drain on the health service .
26 He 'd be a loss to the Brotherhood if we expelled him on account of his blessed principles . ’
27 Sir , — When Malcolm Rifkind was made Minister of Transport I wrote a letter to him congratulating him on his appointment , expressing the hope that he would be a success in his job and asking him to instruct his Civil Servants to concentrate their efforts more on the railways of this country rather than on the roads .
28 Her mother never tired of speaking of her own father , Don Humberto , who had been a gentleman adventurer and a favourite at the court of King John , but she had never met Dom João and could only assure Sara that if he was at all like his grandfather or his Uncle Pedro ( the one who had died at sea ) he would be a man of great charm , intelligence and wit .
29 Even then I doubt if he would be a threat to Morley Street .
30 Nevertheless , on March 28 Kim announced that he would be a candidate for the party 's presidential nomination .
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