Example sentences of "he [modal v] [verb] me [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If the boy 's good , we 'll be delighted to see him here , but he must get me out of the side . ’
2 Sort my love life with Rocky out , we 've had a bit of a tiff at the moment , as a result I 've had to drop him from the squad completely and he 'll probably go and join the scum where he 'll show me up like that poncy french bugger who used to play here .
3 I 'm bloody glad Albert do n't , he 'll drive me out of a bed .
4 I ask him if he 'll take me over to the Lennox 's in his car .
5 Getting his drift , I willingly agreed as long as he could help me out with my goalkeeper crisis .
6 I agreed with that at least , and I was half-prepared to believe him when he said he could keep me out of it .
7 If Father were to hear them he 'd whip me out of that place much quicker than he pushed me in , I can tell you .
8 He 'd chain-smoke a couple of Merits while we chatted about what had happened since our last meeting and then he 'd hand me over to the guy in the room next door for a routine polygraph .
9 He said he 'd cut me out of his will and scrap my allowance . ’
10 Oh he 'd pick me up at night , I see
11 He 'd track me down through the credit cards I use , ’ she said .
12 He used to swing me up onto his shoulders and carry me round … ’
13 An Aberdeenshire small farmer had retired , but onto a seven-acre croft where ‘ they used to always have fences to mend and trees to cut down ; ’ ‘ he used to take me round on the barrow , when he was cuttin' down trees . ’
14 And he he used to get me up at seven o'clock , come to work for him .
15 He used to get me up at six to go in work for seven .
16 ‘ Ruddock 's trouble was that he was always going on in the build-up to the fight about how he reckoned he used to knock me out in sparring when we were kids .
17 I do not remember much about my father — just odd memories , like when he would lift me up on his horse and give me a ride .
18 Just as a kid he would lift me up on the m up on the er counter , you know and me I was born in and then we shifted to the bottom , you know that white house , I think it 's all offices now , in the the erm big gates of the cathedral .
19 He would invite me over for dinner quite often , and nearly every time they 'd have a fight .
20 It just started from there and Michael said he liked the way I played and that he would help me along in the industry , and this was just before his career hit .
21 When I changed buses there was just time to get the sweets and bananas — the bananas were very good today ; and on the other bus there was a nice driver who said that if I sat near the front he would let me off at the crossing if he was held up in the traffic , instead of my going on to the bus stop and having to walk back ; because of the rain . ’
22 ‘ Anyway , we remained friends , and when he decided to come down here and start his practice I asked if he would take me on as a pupil veterinary nurse .
23 It was decided that he would take me in as an apprentice to old Bill ( Mr Carswell ) .
24 He stopped and said he would take me back to the Hall .
25 Slaven said : ‘ Pally has said he will kick me up in the air if he gets a chance .
26 and he said he 'd , he 'd let me know before Christmas if he can get me back on a Wednesday , but I 'm still taken on a Wednesday but my friend takes me in the car on a Wednesday but er I like to go in the ambulance you see really so er
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