Example sentences of "he [modal v] [verb] a [noun sg] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah the chances are he may throw an objection up
2 For example , he may strike a match perfectly well but in attempting to light a candle he may try to light the wick with the match unlit or strike the match against the candle .
3 Or he may have an alternative up his sleeve . ’
4 He should cope a lot better .
5 The idea is that he should oversee a programme whereby a team of coaches travels around the world with the leading French players , having a far greater say in where and when they play , train and rest .
6 He should have a bit longer .
7 Well , I think he should have a letter anyway , definitely thanking him cos I mean he did like
8 He ( she ? ) — I never can tell with cats ) is obviously used to people and we think he must have a home somewhere , but he 's always absolutely ravenous , and we ca n't refuse him food .
9 He has a very clear perception of his domestic priorities and of the international troublespots which as the most powerful nation in the world he must have an interest in . ’
10 Nigel Mansell has promised he 'll make a statement tomorrow about his future with the Oxfordshire-based Williams team .
11 Then he 'll go a month probably
12 He 'll sleep a while now .
13 And he 'll have a word back at you . ’
14 I 'll see if he 'll have a sleep then shall I ?
15 He will he 'll have a bet on at the bookies .
16 But if , if I stay here it means that we 've , we 've a , a ho a home in the , the base , and he 'll get a transfer back guaranteed transfer back within two or three years , so it means just travelling for for erm you know , that length of time .
17 He 'll find a way in .
18 He might beat a man up so badly he needed hospital treatment , yet Joe knew that in Michael 's mind , keeping any money back would be tantamount to stealing .
19 Surely , if he could find this source then he might find a lot more ?
20 But if he thought that he could goad a reaction out of her then he was sorely mistaken .
21 If as a captain he was not authoritarian enough , that was just not his style ; given opposition that were not vastly superior he could lead a team well enough , and chalked up two notable series wins against India and Australia .
22 This way , he could send an officer along from the SIB to make sure they did n't nick your spoons .
23 He was good at sports , and he could handle a boat better than any of the other men 's fathers .
24 They were asking Kurz if he could lower a rope so that they could attach some supplies to it .
25 Because he could ruin a dough as well as anybody else .
26 And er he , of course with him being a blacksmith , he could get a job anywhere in America , he says he could leave a town tonight and land in another town , he says and he could be sure of getting a job with him being a blacksmith .
27 He could make a wall twice as big as Endill and three times as wide in under a minute .
28 I 'm sure you do n't want to hear about Mark 's cousin getting done for selling crack mixed with concrete , or the Forest Of Dean whizzkid who tried to get the band 's mate to give them heroin so they 'd all become addicted so he could make a profit out of them , or Zac sticking his finger up a chicken 's arse , do you ?
29 ‘ They do n't mind so much now I 've got a few trophies in a case that they can show their friends and boast about it , ’ Carlos Francis recollected his parents ' change of posture after it became evident that he could make a career out of soccer .
30 By pointing out a flower or describing a rarity he could make a walk supremely interesting and was indeed a charming companion on any expedition in the fields .
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