Example sentences of "he [modal v] [verb] [conj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Females are evidently often afraid of the male 's approach , for he may assault and rape her .
2 Or he may come and contradict everything we 've said , in which case you will cheer and we
3 Once I waited so long and stayed so late that I gave myself away to Syl , who had called in the usual way at the front door , to be told by my mother that I was in the summer-house and he should go and bring me out and back to the drawing-room where , like normal people , we should converse .
4 She thought of looking at the doctor and indicating that he should interfere and stop it ; but she did not .
5 He made one as if he should try and comfort her , but turned away , walked upstage and on the balcony with his back to the audience , raised his arms widely only to drop them helplessly .
6 He knew he would have to go in search of extra newspaper before the pains came again , but first he must rest and regain his strength after his exertions in the bathroom .
7 It seems to me that he must abandon or reformulate his thesis because , as he says , ‘ it is something that must be understood , as it were , by brain and heart ’ .
8 He was one of those people who are instantly popular , and I felt sure he must know and relish his power over others , the power that only exceptional physical beauty can give , especially when it is allied with intelligence and strong animal magnetism .
9 and then he will , he 'll go and do something .
10 coming on Sunday but he 'll go and pick them up and take them back .
11 He will , he 'll go and pick her up so soft .
12 He 'll go and see her any time of the day or night .
13 ‘ Will you go and ask him if he 'll come and fix my jeep ? ’
14 he 'll come and give everybody prayer books
15 And then , and he 'll come and see us , sort it all out , sort the installation out and erm and , and
16 I 'm sure he 'll try and persuade you . ’
17 He 'll grin and bear it .
18 It was in Alistair 's mind that he might locate and intercept his own letter .
19 There was a risk that he might overstrain and enlarge his heart : he told one visitor that the sensation was like that of " harbouring some runaway machine " .
20 I do n't want him , it worried me that he might come and bother your mother .
21 He might — he might come and fling me on the grass and rape me .
22 Wayne , Ricky 's favourite pony , had such a low threshold of boredom that he had a special manger hooked over the half-door so he could eat and miss nothing in the yard at the same time .
23 He grasped the forestay in both hands as high up as he could reach and drew himself out of the water and on to the forward hull beam as smoothly as a dolphin breaking for air .
24 He moved along the hedge , feeling the breeze from the south and looking for some spot where he could sit and scent it without too much risk .
25 Hank was the product of a boom town and knew that money earned money extremely fast ; with luck , he could double and treble his capital by investment in Tollemarche .
26 Still the hired spider in the back clucked and unwedged himself as fast as he could to go and check his beloved bits and pieces by touch .
27 She tried to remind him who Berg was but he cut across her saying he wanted her key so he could go and move his belongings out .
28 Frau Nordern asked in a tone of voice which strongly suggested that if he was then he could go and do it somewhere else .
29 Whereas the men , the men were taught to be more tidy erm although let me say this that er if you asked Jimmy who was an old established fitter in Brothers , where you would find a certain item , you know , in the fitting department , er he could go and get it , erm but er when the new system was invoked er everybody knew that they were stored either you know to the north of the department or to the south or whatever .
30 He could go and see his mother .
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