Example sentences of "he [verb] what he [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Lancaster breathed out slowly and looked down at the table when he realised what he had said .
2 McCormack was shocked when he realised what he had done .
3 One aim is to make the familiar look unfamiliar and he says it was only when he referred back to his photographs after completing many of his drawings that he realised what he had missed .
4 When he realized what he had done he panicked and she had it all out of him .
5 ‘ Where did you get the Hell 's Angels outfit ? ’ he asked , then he realized what he 'd said .
6 And in order for this to be possible , he must be able also to show that he understands what he has learned .
7 During the days , while the Captain worked on the ship , Frankenstein wrote down his story , and each evening he read what he had written to the Captain .
8 And the die-hard wrestling fan from Yeovil was floored when he learnt what he had won .
9 Until , that is , he realises what he has done , and feels cross with himself for walking into an emotional trap of his own unconscious devising .
10 He adapted what he had to say according to those he was concerned with and their situation .
11 Gradually , he discovered what he needed to do in order to meet his responsibilities as governor .
12 If he gets what he has asked for , then the promise is given for consideration unless there is some vitiating factor .
13 with his permission he thought it was funny he saw the funny side of it as well , but they had this big argument for five minutes cos he thought what he 'd done was right and he said Jesus , I 've been using this for three years for the training in the branch er it makes you wonder does n't it erm but if you 're gon na do practical applications you 've got ta give people relevant examples perhaps you start off basics with an example that is correct and then you start building on that do n't you then you start giving them the deviations and all this sort of stuff .
14 He saw what he had expected to find , the single slash across the throat , apparently from left to right , cutting through the trachea to the vertebrae .
15 He opened a few drawers in the dresser until he saw what he 'd expected to find — half a dozen packets of tights .
16 Suddenly he knew what he had to do : he had to go to Monument Hill and see the broken earth for himself .
17 Now he knew what he had to do : he had to go to the Unification Church and find out what , if anything , was going on there .
18 He knew what he had to do now .
19 He stared at the T'ang , wondering if he knew what he had become ; if the doubt that he professed was as thorough , as all-inclusive as it ought to be .
20 He knew what he had let himself in for and he was glad .
21 The factor , who was with us , asked him , in Gaelic , if he knew what he had taken .
22 I think David thought he was the artist and he knew what he wanted to do — which I think is actually true — the artist basically does know what he wants to do — but I think the manager should just be there to sort out the finance and try to keep you on a the straight and narrow .
23 Ian was very upset by his father 's intransigent attitude but he knew what he wanted to do and that was to pursue his studies by every means possible , although by now doubts were beginning to cloud his mind .
24 One month later Glassford was reported to be completing the work of preparing nominal votes , and in this his lawyer , who lacked experience in such matters , was being helped by the agent of Lord Dundas , who clearly considered him still an ally , but on August 6th , Glassford removed such illusions by making it quite plain that he meant what he had said about his price for support , and denied that he was in any way pledged to Lord Dundas :
25 I said to the Leader of the Opposition that ’ jerk ’ is not on the list of unparliamentary expressions but , bearing in mind the nature of this debate , it would help the House if he refined what he has said in the interests of good order .
26 He understood what he had said , and nodded slowly .
27 In the white pool of light he put what he had brought .
28 He remembered what he had said to Alexandra the night before : ‘ We need n't rush into anything . ’
29 His face flushed as he remembered what he had said about Mary .
30 He remembered what he had put on his personal qualities ' file : ‘ Judgement not always reliable in the political and commercial area ’ .
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