Example sentences of "he [verb] it [be] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He thinks it 's out of a DEC High Performance Systems Group lab in Marlboro , Massachusetts .
2 And he came at half past seven and he cleaned it and he looked at it , and he said er it was n't anything that he could see , he thinks it was just down draught , but we 've had winds before .
3 He says it is not in the interest of patients to wait so long to see a consultant .
4 He says , right I 'm gon na go off the alcohol , I 'll be totally teetotal but I 'll be taking valium , he says it 's just like a vicious circle , what am I gon na do after the valium .
5 So I said to , and Julian said well he says it 's not worth us doing if he , and I said yeah well , fifteen quid that was cheap !
6 He says it 's up to you to confirm the decision with your agreement . ’
7 He says it 's down to the strength of the building and in each case the JCB wins .
8 He says it was just like the Oscars ! — with a meal and wine and Barry Cryer as the compere .
9 At last he recalled it was not in the Nightingale Gallery but in the one running to the left .
10 During the service he sat in the front pew and listened to the preacher talking about the kind of woman she had been , and he knew it was n't like that , but the doctor had given some pills and he felt drowsy and numb , and illogically cheerful , as if he was slightly drunk , but at the stage where everything seems enlarged and unfamiliar .
11 By the time he climbed stiffly out of bed he knew it was just past noon and had the events of Rotherhithe roughed out in his mind like a draft report .
12 He knew it was hardly worth putting the question .
13 ‘ No-one wanted us to go to the spot where he died it 's right in the middle of what they call ‘ bandit ’ territory .
14 Charlie could n't believe what was happening although he felt it was well worth getting a broken nose for .
15 He did n't lose his temper very often , but when he did it was always with Gesner , and it was dramatic .
16 But when he spoke it was not of her but of Peach , how to feed him , what sort of supplements he should have , that although he had had his routine immunizations , he must have a booster at a year old and also an injection against a new sort of feline virus .
17 They 've got so many c like he said it is really like science and all that
18 No it , we took it to this bloke and I do n't know what he 's done with it because it played before we took it and when he , he said it were n't worth doing and when we brought it back it wo n't even roll now even play now will it ?
19 I think he were going for a , a month , a month and a half summat like that , and he said it were out of this world .
20 I said , why , and he said , he turned round with these glasses on , then he said it was just like John 's stood there .
21 ‘ And he said it was all over Los Angeles that it was Jo Forbes . ’
22 He supposed it was somewhere under the rug , perhaps held on to by old Josh as some sort of comforter .
23 He supposed it was only to be expected .
24 As far emerging technologies go , Rothstein says although the Open Software Foundation 's Distributed Computing Environment may well become part of a common distributed infrastructure , he claims it is still on a very low level as far as developers are concerned .
25 When she offers to sleep with him , he refuses , as he knows it 's only for release and not love .
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