Example sentences of "he [verb] come [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Hick has a classic stance , but by the time the bowler has reached the crease he has come up into the familiar upright position with the bat raised .
2 Unmistakably , though , he has come down on the side of the demonstrators and against Erich Honecker , the East German leader .
3 He has come out into the road wearing slippers .
4 Yeah that was so funny , you know the bit he has to come up to the house to erm has , has to come up to the house
5 He says Come down to the surgery in the morning .
6 Never , since he was a child , had he missed coming up to the Foinmen on Beltane .
7 He began to come back down the tunnel towards her .
8 To her surprise he offered to come over to the office .
9 In common with some other contributors to Essays in Criticism he had come around to the view that the object of English should be to develop in students a " trained mind " rather than to produce " literary critics " or even " good readers " .
10 That she had always been in control before he had come on to the scene and turned everything upside-down .
11 But Wordsworth had already proposed in his Guide that the Lake District should be made ‘ a sort of national property in which every man has a right and interest who has an eye to perceive and a heart to enjoy ’ ; we can now see that , over a hundred years before his time , he had come up with the idea of a National Park .
12 Ankrah , commanding the Ghana army , was retired he was due for retirement anyway ( he had come up through the ranks and served in Burma ) .
13 He had come up from the bottom and made it to the top : no one was to forget that he was at the top and everyone was supposed to forget where he had come from and how he had got where he was .
14 In the twilight of the Great Drought he had come down to the river and filled his wheelbarrow with water until only a Samson could have moved it .
15 He had come down to the gallery to join the houseparty , he thought simply to look at a new sculpture , before they all returned to the house for luncheon .
16 He had come down to the Club that night with a real purpose , a purpose only half of which had been carried out at the meeting .
17 He had come down to the island to make sure all was well while his grandfather was in hospital .
18 Than the shops gave place to boarding houses and the hill began ; it was a twin of the one he had come down from the car park .
19 Because then Jesus said to him , who was he talking to , let's , let's start off on the verse one after er after he had come down from the mountains , great crowds followed him that 's Jesus is n't it ?
20 After wartime service in the RAF he had come back to the School , and with his friends Mr. Norris and Mr. Hardie had helped to introduce Rugby to the School .
21 ‘ To us , he had come back from the dead , ’ his mother , Camilla Swann , said yesterday .
22 he had come back from the meeting with Patrick , and he had opened a bottle of whisky … automatically his had reached for it , found it between his legs , and he was raising it to his lips when the hurried knocking shook the door again .
23 He had that look he used to get on Saturday mornings after he had come back from the shops .
24 Far from it : he had come out of the darkness and was full of hope and plans .
25 Although she had rejected his dinner invitation , somehow he had come out of the scene the victor .
26 He had come in at the door , he had lain down with her , he had been her lover .
27 It was a relief when Stephen Copley , the Senior Chemist , arrived just before ten , bustling in as usual , his rubicund face with its tonsure and fringe of black curly hair glistening as if he had come in from the sun .
28 Clive had to have them , because the competition did , but since the benefits were at best indirect he had to come up with the idea of asking the students from each country to get together and prepare a ‘ typical national dish ’ .
29 So he placed an order with him for all these , and he had to come back to the factory , reorganize the factory , to meet this terrific order he 'd got for pencils , you see .
30 He was recently fined £500 by the European Tour when , after a first round of 74 in his defence of the Mediterranean Open , he refused to come in for the requested press interview .
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