Example sentences of "he [verb] [vb pp] out [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There consul in Rome came up on an official visit and there was nearly a diplomatic incident when he got thrown out of the new university canteen he come to expect .
2 Every spare moment of John Drake 's time is devoted to the two-acre garden he has carved out in an open and exposed part of the Fens near Cambridge .
3 In the end , he has lost out on the grounds of inferior physique .
4 It is quite evident that in some areas farming has become a distinctly precarious occupation but , in exchanging the effects of the EC 's Common Agricultural Policy for the need to produce results in a rugby field , Hare may find that he has jumped out of the frying pan into the fire .
5 He has come out into the road wearing slippers .
6 Perhaps no player has ever been quite as competitive as Botham , and if his combativeness has led him into trouble off the field it has generally worked in his favour on it — except when he has refused to part with the ball despite not bowling well , or when he has holed out in the deep when a more circumspect approach was required .
7 When the human voyager has freed himself from his fears and accomplished all his physiological needs , it is as if he has climbed out of a deep pit and reached the top of a high hill from where he sees a vast land stretching in every direction .
8 He 'd stepped out of the house at noon believing the woman he 'd left was devoted to him , and come home five hours later to find the house as it was now .
9 By the time that he 'd stepped out of the kitchen and into the main hall , he 'd lost her .
10 Well I wondered if he 'd wa he 'd gone out on the Nottingham cos I wondered what would happen to the mascot was he shot the mascot , after the the game ?
11 I 'd once had to miss a rendezvous with him after he 'd done his own stripping vicar act for some giggling secretary 's twenty-first birthday and he 'd shot out of the pub stark bollock naked to find me somewhere else .
12 They reckon there was a load of fallen branches lying under the air shaft before we pushed the guy down it ; according to the young cop who first went down it looked like he 'd crawled out from the middle of the pile .
13 He 'd fallen out of the tree and the tiger was close somewhere just beyond the clearing .
14 Van Gelder had n't made any mistakes about her , Talbot thought , except that he 'd missed out on the wide green eyes and a rather bewitching smile .
15 From the fishing bag he took a scope sight and two boxes of ammunition , one of them depleted from the sighting-in that he 'd carried out in a deserted glen on the drive south .
16 Lorton wondered if he 'd chickened out at the last moment .
17 The reason the trade union movement should support the Maastricht Treaty is it 's the only Treaty that is on offer , there 's nothing else on offer but it 's a reasonable Treaty , it has differences in the U K and the reasons it has differences in the U K is the one Mr Major came back last December tell us what a wonderful opportunity it was for Britain , what a wonderful success it was for Britain that he 'd opted out of the Social Chapter .
18 He was I think he 'd passed out in the car .
19 that he 'd got out of the creche I think , cos he had n't got it when he went out .
20 ‘ Would he have gone out on a limb for anyone other than David ?
21 Far away and long ago seemed the world after the War , into which he had emerged out of the army with the feeling that his vote and the new Labour Government would rebuild England .
22 Jeans cut off thigh-high to make shorts and a T-shirt he had made out of an old man 's vest he had bought for 20p in a sale under the arches at Charing Cross Station and dyed green and yellow .
23 It was too late , I could n't prevent myself from eidetiking Mr Broadhurst 's unusual caduceus , the one he had made out of an old TV aerial garnished with flex , and I could n't prevent myself from reading on :
24 As he did so , he remembered a line which almost forty years before he had struck out of the poem at Vivien 's insistence .
25 Vic flicks a switch on his telephone console and summons Shirley , whom he had gestured out of the office while Baxter was talking , to take some letters .
26 A day later , though , he called Susan to say he had checked out of the hospital .
27 Turning , she found Fernand at her side , as if he had risen out of the earth .
28 David Arthur , 18 , of Blackstoun Avenue , Linwood , Renfrewshire , claimed during a trial that he had lashed out at the victim , Greig Mooney , 18 , with a broken umbrella he had found discarded in the street .
29 For the second time in her life , she says , he had appeared out of the blue as it were and too charge .
30 Suddenly spotting the rear view of the vehicle , he had leaned out of the window , and was using his R/T to contact his base .
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