Example sentences of "he [verb] [vb pp] from his [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , wrote Goldberg , turning the page and tearing it slightly in his eagerness to go on , my son is rather short-sighted , something he has inherited from his mother , and recently , during a school trip to Dieppe , he dropped his glasses and cracked one of the lenses .
2 More ducks arrived , shouting , ‘ He has escaped from his garden !
3 It was , therefore , with exaggerated haste that he undid his black tie , pulled the white shirt over his head , substituted a red T-shirt and a pair of old Norfolk drab cords that he 'd salvaged from his father 's wardrobe .
4 He reached beneath his robes and pulled free the personal reader he 'd brought from his ship .
5 The police had brought a suit he 'd requested from his flat and he 'd changed into that , shaved and smartened himself up .
6 The monarch , it was argued , unable to escape from his burdens by resignation , as a mere minister could , and anxious to pass on undiminished to his heirs what he had inherited from his ancestors , was the safest and most effective possible guardian of the public welfare .
7 By the age of 19 he controlled a company he had inherited from his father .
8 He was far more at home in jeans and a sweater or the favourite scuffed old flying jacket he had inherited from his father , who had been a Spitfire pilot in the war and he wore them whenever he could .
9 In 1691 Martin sold a house in La Couture , which he had inherited from his father in ] 689 , to his brother-in-law Louis Hotteterre , ‘ player of hautboys and other instruments living in the said city of Paris at the end of the Pont Marie Therese ’ ( document 4 ) .
10 Jacques 's scores , itemized with the library books , were clearly those he had inherited from his father ( document 9 ) .
11 ‘ In his profession he found a force stronger than the temperament he had inherited from his family ; instead of surrendering to his natural instincts he followed a clear , straight path , and did not slide into the wretched muddle in which all the other Rougons perished . ’
12 Gagarin had had to search into the past for a word which perhaps he had heard from his granny !
13 I used to watch him out of the back attic window in the late afternoon , when he had risen from his rest .
14 He had risen from his chair , taking the refusal for granted .
15 He shrugged , the jerky movement betraying for a moment the emotion he had banished from his voice .
16 Since he had split from his screen partner Dean Martin , he had managed to stay popular , playing dumbos with squeaky voices .
17 When the Dutch troops landed and passed through Wells , Ken wrote to James to say that he had withdrawn from his palace , taking his carriage horses lest they be commandeered ; indeed his previous service at William 's court would have caused much embarrassment if he had remained to meet him .
18 Such are the complexities of the three-year allocation of points in the Sony world rankings that Faldo lost everything he had gained from his Masters victory of 1989 and has consequently dropped to fourth .
19 Wunis , a young oil company official , was to some extent moved by indignation about the deceitfulness of the government ; he was also perhaps self-consciously applying those notions of good efficient management which he had gained from his oil company training : decisions about expenditure have to be made in a context of opportunity costs , of an overview of expenditure as a whole .
20 On the night before , he had watched from his perch on a pile of stones the four verderers ride up to the Tower from the far side of the Waste …
21 He was seated on the sofa sifting through a batch of papers he had taken from his attache case .
22 The stranger let go and quickly thumbed through a small black book he had taken from his belt .
23 Cranston delved into a small leather pouch he had taken from his saddle-bag , undid the cord at the neck and drew out a small vase containing the poison he had taken from Springall 's house .
24 He turned away to the bedside table and found a souvenir sack of nickels from Las Vegas among the things he had unpacked from his pockets .
25 There was blood pouring down his face from a head wound , he had slipped from his sitting position and was now lying on his side , his knees drawn up .
26 Van Der Meulen was an austere , patriarchal figure , deeply imbued with the rigidly Calvinist outlook he had acquired from his father , a schoolmaster in a small village near the German frontier .
27 What he did not know he had got from his sister , his ally against their parents if in nothing else .
28 MARK WRIGHT was last night ruthlessly axed by Liverpool manager Graeme Souness after revealing he had climbed from his sick-bed to help the club .
29 When he had recovered from his ordeal , Ciparis was able to tell of what had happened — and he went on telling the story for the rest of his life , for he was given a free pardon , joined a travelling circus , and became something of a celebrity .
30 If my father could look down on our proceedings , once he had recovered from his astonishment at who was speaking , he would be even more surprised by the political symmetry between the two debates .
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