Example sentences of "he [verb] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When he came back from Livorno in the late summer of 1913 he made straight for the Café Rotonde , to be greeted rapturously by artists and models on the terrace .
2 Yesterday , he said he ‘ forgot ’ about the trip which he made shortly after the break-up of his second marriage to Dr Who actress Janet Fielding .
3 My mother was so dazzled she never even thought to question him about his job , but she grew to live for the visits he made daily to the shop .
4 Since he made swiftly towards the forest , I had not much option but to follow .
5 His instincts , honed over the years as he lived continuously on the threshold of danger , warned him that things were about to change .
6 Noguchi tried in vain to construct an earthwork sculpture at a Japanese-American internment camp where he lived voluntarily for a time during World War II .
7 He lived only in the present , caring nothing for the past or the future .
8 If Mountbatten failed in one item on his agenda , however , he succeeded triumphantly in the other .
9 He stabbed angrily at the button .
10 He plunged headlong into the controversy over the architectural style for New Delhi , urging the imperial government to adopt the Mogul style for its new capital as a gesture of goodwill towards their Indian subjects .
11 He glowed now at the Archdeacon .
12 And he waxes portentously for a moment .
13 One of CD 's favourite books , which , like David Copperfield , he devoured eagerly as a child .
14 As he turns away from the grave ( symbolically as well as literally ) he meets , beside the yew-tree ( traditional symbol of death ) a Girl whose appearance is strikingly unusual .
15 And so he turns aside under a pine tree , lays his sword and oliphant under him and lies down to die : he makes his confession , holds up his right glove to God and angels come and carry his soul to Paradise .
16 ‘ Allegory ’ would after all imply , to Tolkien ( see pp. 33–7 above ) , that The Lord of the Rings had only one meaning , which would have to remain constant all the way through ; he toyed contemptuously with the notion in the ‘ Foreword ’ as he sketched out a plan for his work as a real allegory with the Ring itself as president Truman 's atomic bomb .
17 At the Chair he pricked his ears and sailed over the gaping ditch with such abandon that he pecked slightly on the landing side .
18 Stage shows made Leonard Bernstein a very rich man , but he said he cared little for the money , his great love was for the music .
19 Friends say he cared deeply for the countryside and worked tirelessly to improve the public rights of way network through his job as footpath officer for the Richmondshire group of the ramblers ' association , which he helped to start .
20 From a pocket he drew a small cylindrical probe , and he stalked slowly around the room with it , pointing it at every piece of furniture and ornamentation with a sensitive ear tuned to the probe 's faint hum .
21 When he writes of prayer , he compares it with ‘ a lark rising from his bed of grass and soaring upwards , singing as he rises , and hopes to get to heaven and climb above the clouds ’ , and so the lark continues through clause after clause , buffeted by storms from which it takes refuge , until finally ‘ it did rise and sing , as if it had learned music and motion from an angel as he passed sometimes through the air about his ministries here below ’ .
22 He passed lightly over the Garth Enterprises business and seemed more interested in Brian Harley 's putter and the chances of his getting his hands on one .
23 And who was Kraus 's great friend in Berlin , who did he regard almost as a son ?
24 He winked good-naturedly over the rim of his glass .
25 Keeping to the lawn , he crept silently to the back of the garage .
26 if there 's a cat , he goes straight through the bushes and he 'll go straight through !
27 If the doctor is aware of the objection , then it would appear from Lord Goff 's judgment that the doctor may be liable if he goes ahead with the transfusion .
28 On this aspect of the story Mr Sale is an invaluable guide and teacher , but he goes well over the top in his determination to present Columbus as the representative of a devilish western world driven only by the desire to rape , grab and despoil a land of innocence .
29 And he clips them in and he goes all over the cars .
30 had her operation and that everything 's going well , and I 'm sure will take our best wishes to her , when er , he goes home after the meeting .
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