Example sentences of "he [verb] [not/n't] [verb] [pron] at " in BNC.

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1 He has n't after all said anything false , because he has n't said anything at all : all he 's done is sigh .
2 Oh yeah , the guy that he has n't reduced it at all !
3 ‘ And , ’ she went on , ‘ I was compelled to end my engagement to Havvie when I discovered that he did not love me at all … merely wanted Papa 's dollars , and , worse , despised us , all of us , for being rich and vulgar Yankees .
4 Although he did not know it at the time , Hess 's work was to initiate a revolution in geological and geophysical thinking , and ultimately it became the foundation of a major new theory about how continents and oceans are related , and what part volcanoes play in the evolution of the Earth .
5 This was to be a momentous decision although he did not know it at the time .
6 But she soon saw he did not remember her at all .
7 He did not see her at all as he got out of the car and Jenna had the chance to observe him without the dark eyes pinning her quizzically .
8 She gave the young MacGregor a book on Parliament but he did not read it at the time , and he can not trace his decision to go into politics back to that .
9 This time he did not withdraw it at once but stayed motionless , his arm deep in the sack .
10 He did n't admire him at all .
11 He he did n't make one at the same time as , you know , to actually show the folds and that
12 Though he did n't realise it at the time , cricket was his life and consuming interest .
13 Ferns and brambles whipped at him , but he did n't feel them at all .
14 No , no he did n't , he did n't blow it at all no , it 's not on till four twenty this morning er three forty this morning that he blew it in , in the end .
15 In fact he did n't understand it at all .
16 He did n't say anything at all as , led by his former lieutenant , the congregation swarmed up to the dais and lifted me high on their shoulders .
17 He did n't like me at first .
18 When Simon first turned up he did n't have anything at all .
19 His speed was such he did n't approach it at a speed where he could erm er l lay off and er let something happen .
20 With one sergeant I had then , I used to make up stories about keeping an eye on thieves if he did n't find me at the points .
21 He hates it , he do n't like it at all . .
22 ‘ Come back , come back ! ’ she shouted , but he pretended that he had not heard her at all .
23 He had not believed it at first , but now he was not so sure .
24 If he had been indifferent to Catherine , if he had not loved her at least as much , more , than she did herself , she could not have done it .
25 Though Old Red had looked at me so keenly , I would be prepared to swear on oath that he had not seen me at all .
26 Though , thinking back , surely he had n't known her at that stage , had hardly known who she was .
27 Surely he had n't found it at last and with a girl less than half his age , intelligent but uneducated , promiscuous and burdened with an illegitimate child .
28 He wore glasses until he was into his teens and then er , he took them off and he 's er , he does n't wear them at all , and his sight is absolutely perfect .
29 When when he has got when he 's got the time to go to , I do n't know where he gets them , he does n't get them at Marble Arch Marks I think .
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