Example sentences of "he [verb] [adv] [conj] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Thomas was from Hastings where he practised privately and at the Royal East Sussex Hospital as a heart surgeon .
2 For seventeen years Father Conlin had been closely involved in the educational provision of the Diocese , a far from easy task but one in which he achieved much and at the same time earned the respect and affection of Clergy , Governors and Teachers .
3 Again he falls back and at the top of the climb we wait again .
4 He learned quickly and at the age of 19 met Samuel Bradbury , a noted local cricketer , in a single-wicket contest , so popular in those days , for a ‘ substantial wager . ’
5 He wheeled round and at the same time Ho breathed , ‘ Tina — where is she ?
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