Example sentences of "he [verb] [adv] [verb] [adv] from " in BNC.

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1 When I quip that he sounds as if he has just come round from anaesthetic , Eva says , ‘ He has . ’
2 He has just come back from Canada and he will go back to Canada . ’
3 Both roles have involved handing out criticism , a task he has not held back from especially in this , the last year before he retires .
4 The question is , if he has subsequently borrowed more from the testator , up to what point he has been released from his debts .
5 He came here to get away from all women .
6 He did not move away from her so she slid from beneath the arc of his body , her napkin fell to the floor .
7 A kiss where she raised her lips to his , and he did not hold back from moving his head down to hers , and , as her heart started to sing , so her arms went up and around him .
8 The world was caving around him , and he did not know yet from which quarter the disaster would fall , only that its arrival was certain .
9 He did not look up from his papers .
10 He did not shy away from probing questions about his art or sex life ( he has gone to whores for the ‘ psychological experience ’ , claims Illona makes him so hot he can ‘ go again in 5 to 10 minutes ’ , and does n't necessarily think porn stars make better lovers ‘ if two people love each other ’ ) .
11 The first day Shanti was with us he did not come home from school till very late .
12 I am grateful to the right hon. Gentleman for the way in which he presented his case to me , although I hope that he did not take away from our meeting any belief that I was totally persuaded by the argument that he put forward .
13 He was set to go in the autumn , but he did not run away from that one — he got the editors of five friendly newspapers to run away for him .
14 In barracks he was where Sims could find him and while he did n't expect much from Sunday dinner in a near-deserted mess , just being back with the Army was sauce enough for the moment .
15 For a moment , the sergeant had that same sense of disorientation when the lights went up at the end of an afternoon programme in the cinema and he felt he had just flown back from another world .
16 He had just come in from sketching workmen out on the Geest , where they were laying water and gas pipes .
17 He had just turned away from us and read a book .
18 In fact , if he had n't looked up from his coffee and spotted her in the doorway , Caroline might have returned to her room and waited until she was sure he 'd gone .
19 She had also been surprised at how easy she had found it to talk to him , about all the private , intimate failures and successes of her life ; fascinated to hear about his problems with the privately owned Wyndham International Banking Corporation , which he had recently taken over from his father .
20 He had indeed caught on from the bad vibes the driver had been giving out — the nervousness , the pale sweat-beaded face , the rapid eye movement towards the back seat — that something was bothering the guy .
21 Are we to assume then that he had now switched over from being an evangelist and was a deliberate artist in the making , out in the open for all to see ?
22 ‘ Today would have been sheep day in the old days , ’ the driver explained , as he hurried in to take over from his wife at the bar .
23 He 's just ridden in from London , and his lady 's here to meet him .
24 He 's just come back from holiday , and starts school today . ’
25 He 's just come back from Australia
26 No he 's just come back from Tunisia on holiday so he 'll need it .
27 He 's just come back from Belize erm , and he 's they 're , they 're posted to Germany and they leave tomorrow .
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