Example sentences of "he [verb] [pron] [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He made me a desk with a roll-top and secret drawers and a matching leather stool ; a huge Tudor doll 's house with leaded windows and roses round the door , filled with hand-carved furniture ; a bow-windowed shop with a sign saying ‘ Lynne 's Store ’ and shelves stocked with dozens of tiny tins of Heinz products — it had taken him a year to cut out all the miniature Heinz logos from magazine adverts , which he had stuck to one-inch lengths of silver-painted dowelling .
2 It has been my pleasure and privilege to have known since 1967 when he made me a member of the Labour Party .
3 He made me an outcast at Old Trafford ’
4 He made her a cup of tea while she sorted the washing , closed up the cases and pushed them into the cupboard under the stairs .
5 He made himself a cup of coffee and then , feeling deflated and not a little depressed , went to bed .
6 He made himself a cup of instant coffee and two slices of toast .
7 Still yawning , he made himself a cup of tea and took it to bed .
8 He made himself the centre for information during the Red Raids that followed , brutal nights when civil liberties were swept aside .
9 He made it a matter of principle always to take the murder cases himself .
10 Then one time when he was doing some other business with the woman we called Mrs Howard , he sold her the story for a few marks .
11 He owes us some money but yeah rotten milk , he sold us a couple of pints of rotten mi the only trouble is Joan have fucking thrown it out .
12 The spirit of Homais still reigns , I thought , as he sold us a packet of bandages .
13 He asked me a lot of questions which I did not understand .
14 And he asked me a lot of very pertinent questions which seemed to me more than idle curiosity .
15 He asked me a lot of suspicious questions , and eventually I was shown to what must have been the poorest room in his house , over the kitchen , facing a hen-run .
16 He asked me a lot of questions about myself — what I wanted to do with my life , that sort of thing …
17 I took my godson , Dominic Robinson , round my laboratory the other day , which is a physics laboratory , and he enjoyed it immensely and asked a number of questions , and was absolutely intrigued and fascinated by the various bits of wires and plugs and so on like that , and he asked me the sort of questions that I do n't think I would expect sometimes my undergraduates to ask .
18 I took my godson , Dominic Robinson , round my laboratory the other day , which is a physics laboratory , and he enjoyed it immensely and asked a number of questions , and was absolutely intrigued and fascinated by the various bits of wires and plugs and so on like that , and he asked me the sort of questions that I do n't think I would expect sometimes my undergraduates to ask .
19 And he got me a house at , two shilling a week , and eightpence for coal .
20 He got me a lot of stuff man !
21 Jenna 's cheeks flushed with embarrassment and he slanted her a look of dark-eyed amusement .
22 When , pulses racing in a most disturbing manner , she tried to withdraw her arm his grip tightened , and he slanted her a glance from beneath long thick lashes that held a distinct challenge .
23 He built them a pagoda of solid jade and embellished it with precious gems — not realising that to grow up a dragon must accumulate its own hoard , must steal it from Emperors and princes .
24 When she was thrown out of her digs he found her a room in Randolph Crescent and to get her on to her feet again paid her rent for a month .
25 Instead of contested tithes , he found himself the guardian of a rich , varied , and passionately cultivated tradition for which the documentary evidence was fragmentary , but the local testimony entirely firm .
26 He jerked it a couple of times , and somewhere inside the cavernous depths a bell jangled loudly .
27 He helped him a lot with research about the history of the building , how the models are made , that sort of thing . ’
28 The measures empowered the south-eastern regional governor to send individuals into internal exile in other regions if " he deemed them a threat to public order " .
29 He drew me a map of the route with a stick in the sand .
30 He promised her a sight of Arfur this morning .
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