Example sentences of "he [adv] [vb past] [prep] other [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He nevertheless shared with other critics a concern about the untrained , unregulated , and unsupervised adolescent work-force , and found it impossible to separate completely the behaviour of these young workers from the larger problem of unemployment .
2 He needed no telling twice , but alas the episode was fatal to his position at United Racecourses and he thereupon turned to other activities .
3 He also advised on other schemes .
4 Some of his old friends claim he also flirted with other women and Meli and Marje were not the only ladies in his life .
5 He also worked in other hospitals in the city and in Fife .
6 Surviving reports show that he also acted for other litigants during the same period , both in the Common Bench and in eyres .
7 At first I was doubtful about taking him , for he did not look strong ; but the Sandfords assured us that he had stood up to several long treks with them , invariably producing good meals even under the most unfavourable conditions , that he never interfered with other people , and was always ready to lend a hand at any job .
8 She was bored and angry with Conway , because he thought he understood everything and he never listened to other people .
9 By looking for faults in his behaviour , by constantly diminishing him with little criticisms — he neglected their boy ( at school in Randung ) , he was cold , he was selfish , he was an inadequate and clumsy lover ( did she dare ) , he never listened to other people , he had no sense of direction because he was always getting her lost in foreign capitals — she made him feel a kind of leper , different from and inferior to the run of men .
10 He never bitched about other members of the team , but of people we knew . ’
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