Example sentences of "he [adv] [vb past] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Then he slowly began to open the staircase door .
2 He spoke on the evils of race and colour prejudice and he rarely failed to mention the issue of slavery .
3 He obviously meant to have the land that was being auctioned , and when he set his sights on something Luther Reynolds usually got his way .
4 He obviously meant to milk the situation for all he was worth …
5 He only had to remember the day after Dobson 's resignation .
6 The extension of the offence to include obtaining possession or control will have the result that if Kilham , although pretending that he only wanted to borrow the horse , had in fact intended to deprive the owner permanently , he would be guilty under the clause , because he obtained possession of the horse .
7 Patrick knew that he only intended to lag the putt up close , but as so often when a player does that the ball ran exactly along the line he had chosen , curved left as it ended its run and plopped neatly into the hole .
8 I was convinced he was about to do the same to me , when he suddenly appeared to notice the tent for the first time , shied away and crashed off into the trees .
9 No , I do n't hate Romeo , but he was my friend and he just wanted to keep the peace .
10 And he just wanted to get the heat in so he kept his other hand round about it .
11 Erm , he finally had to shut the adult school , not because the prisoners were n't interested in in attending any more , but because the prison officers and the governor were n't able to provide the man-power to cover the existence of that class .
12 Fed up with nothing going right , he finally decided to change the house number to 11A in the belief that the bad luck was due to the ill-fated number 13 .
13 Unlike the minister , he finally decided to tell the truth .
14 He nevertheless continued to retain the confidence of de Maizière .
15 Although he always treated Richard Baxter with the utmost politeness and civility , he nevertheless refused to embrace the Gospel himself and kept his family and servants away from the meetings .
16 The pilot wrestled with the highjackers as he desperately tried to land the plane at Canton airport , it then slammed into two other passenger jets .
17 ‘ Must be five pounds at least , ’ Billy yelled , as he desperately tried to keep the shoal penned between the four of them .
18 ‘ Half a mill , maximum , ’ said Fonda , but he was ready to negotiate because he desperately wanted to make the picture .
19 He knew what he 'd find in the wardrobe upstairs if he ever had to search the place .
20 So , the only reason for her writing was to say that if he ever did get the chance to come over to the UK again , well , she 'd like — well , it would be nice …
21 He still burned to preach the Gospel to the poor and to help them .
22 Then he had to remember that even after the rounds had been allocated and the stetches accounted for , he still had to include the acre or so of headland , the land on the outside of the field where the ploughs turned , which had to be ploughed the last of all . ’
23 But he still had to break the news to Auntie Jean .
24 However , he still managed to keep the weapon pointing loosely in his direction .
25 Just as he was about to travel to Paris in November , to open a book exhibition and make a speech at the Bibliothèque Nationale , he caught a heavy cold which turned to bronchitis with congestion of the lungs ; a nurse was called in and he took a course of penicillin , but he still managed to make the journey .
26 But he still liked to use the window , maybe just to maintain the impression that we mere humans were here to serve him .
27 However , he always managed to get the team to wherever they wanted to go despite the problem .
28 He always feared to inherit the Khanate . ’
29 More conventional by nature , he always intended to join the Army .
30 In fact , she had wondered if perhaps he deliberately avoided visiting the shop when he knew she was there , to make sure the flowers he sent her retained their air of surprise .
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