Example sentences of "he [adv] [verb] it [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He wrongly combined it with the Judah figure , so producing :
2 He just put it to the poor bastard .
3 He just pinched it from the Services Liaison Officer 's files in Soltau .
4 No problem though for Tony he just hit it to the other side .
5 There he generously offered it to the Magistrate , who was busy carrying cartridges to the firing-step .
6 And he generally worked it during the hours of daylight , when he could be seen and people could liaise with him .
7 Now , has he not left it with the Parish Council ?
8 He had seen beyond the excitement of being approached for his first book ; he already visualised it on the bookshelves !
9 In fact the car turned out to be a souped-up grease-wagon piloted by an ageing rocker eager to prove he still had it in the nuts .
10 Her hand throbbed beneath his where he still trapped it on the table .
11 He always stored it behind the pipe and when Uncle Philip found it , he would throw it out onto the landing and jump up and down on it .
12 He also fitted it at the top end of the door .
13 He also sent it to the Royal Academy 's Summer Exhibition in 1955 together with his portrait of Elroy Josephs and another pastiche , Coriolanus ( Colour Plate XXI ) , based on a Signorelli in the National Gallery .
14 In 1720 Boerhaave produced an impressive catalogue of plants in the Leyden Garden , Index alter Plantarum ( 2 vols ) , and under Protea in the Dictionary Miller refers to this work ( he also included it in the bibliography ) .
15 Scott was so pleased with the style he had evolved at Battersea , a treatment that humanised industrial forms without denying their function , that he also used it on the Guinness Factory at Park Royal , west London .
16 He thinks that he probably overdid it in the gym tonight .
17 As he did so he frantically waved it into the side .
18 If he later denied it to the police , that would not be unusual , either .
19 Taking a cooking bowl from the side he part filled it from the water jar and set it down on the ring .
20 At Cabinets on 9 , 10 and 11 December he cautiously defended it on the ground that Hoare must have known more than they did , and defended also the continuation of Hoare 's holiday , although this by then had become more of a matter of nursing than of recreation , for he had fallen on the ice and broken his nose in two places .
21 Jon Newsome has big trouble with his cash dispenser card — he regularly puts it in the wrong way round .
22 North had already thrashed out a democratic manifesto for a unified opposition in Nicaragua , the leaders and himself scribbling it out in a cramped hotel room in Miami ; at the hearings , he proudly compared it to the sweaty wranglings in Philadelphia over the Constitution .
23 He then takes it to the bank and gets the money , to spend as he chooses .
24 He then passed it through the letterbox and the baby ate her meal on the freezing patio .
25 He then sucks it into the hollow first joint of a special limb , the pedipalp , rather in the same way as one fills a fountain pen .
26 He voluntarily relinquished it on the eve of seventy , the only man of this century to have been Prime Minister three times .
27 Was it , I wondered , his natural reaction to something extraordinary , and did he therefore use it on the stage , or was he simply acting and registering what he thought was the appropriate emotion under the circumstances ?
28 And he gave me a smacker on the forehead , said he 'd keep me up his sleeve if he never made it to the altar .
29 But he certainly had it at the at the I think , it probably maybe still there , I could n't say .
30 He certainly had it in the early days of Carry On Sergeant .
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