Example sentences of "he [adv] [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He deftly stepped to one side , the bear tore into the cabin .
2 He vigorously defended against all comers the enormous expense of bringing La Scala to Scotland .
3 The two women , the copperhead in particular , had seemed to epitomize everything he most detested about such demonstrations — the appropriation of working-class politics by middle-class style .
4 It fell to William , the only son left in London , to prove the will , which he duly did on 22 October at the Principal Probate Registry ; the body was laid to rest at Abney Park Cemetery , Stoke Newington , grave no. 66,417 .
5 Peter , however , demurred at this and asked Keiran to help out generally at the event , which he duly did in great style .
6 Nor was he much impressed by Amber Epipheny .
7 He apparently continued in this office until 1655 , when , with essentially unchanged duties , he was appointed one of the two chamberlains of the Exchequer and keeper of its records .
8 He apparently reports to Open Vision chief Michael Fields , ex-president of Oracle USA .
9 After a spell in private practice , Vial was made equerry to Louis XVI and chef de manège of the Lyons riding academy , a post he apparently held for some years , but could not retain .
10 Was he merely indulging in wishful thinking ?
11 so , so he , he makes quite a big point out of that , you know er that , and then he obviously talks about other things , the flour drum erm you know which basically vulgar performances of
12 But his grandfather he only saw in brief glimpses , when James called in the hope of being given a shilling .
13 He only played in four Tests but the sweater ( and his knotted silk scarf ) became his uniform .
14 In dealing with compositions , it 's like meeting a person ; the person has certain characteristics , maybe he is kind , perhaps there are certain possibilities within him — unexplored potential — but he only functions within certain confinements .
15 I could no longer talk or laugh freely , as I knew he only approved of serious moods and studies .
16 Moreover , he only works on one picture at a time and only by natural daylight .
17 One can see , then , a philosophical crux in the very nature of the Ring , one that was certainly apparent and deeply interesting to Tolkien , and one which he furthermore expressed with great care and deliberation .
18 The Cheshire cat is an odd character and he causes confusion when he literally disappears into thin air .
19 Without looking back into the car he suddenly drawled in good English :
20 He suddenly swam into vocal range again .
21 ‘ When can we go home ? ’ he suddenly enquired in piercing tones .
22 He constantly fiddled with that badge of office , a ready-made , multicoloured , bow tie , as he talked to Jane .
23 She smiled calmly back at him , her teeth snapping together when he just laughed in open disbelief .
24 She tried to tell him that hospitals had been using such beds for years , but he just went into another tantrum .
25 He just brought along some typing .
26 So the , but Ryan said the thing about McDonalds they went up erm to go toilet er Samantha you must , you know you feel the vomit coming he just go like this Samantha urgh !
27 He finally returned with two chunks of roughly cut bread , a slab of cheese and a tiny tin jug of milk .
28 He nevertheless shared with other critics a concern about the untrained , unregulated , and unsupervised adolescent work-force , and found it impossible to separate completely the behaviour of these young workers from the larger problem of unemployment .
29 He soon got through 90 guilders , which his father thought an excessive amount .
30 Intended at first for the church , he was sent to Göttingen , but he soon turned to legal studies and the pursuit of mineralogy under Johann Friedrich Blumenbach .
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