Example sentences of "on the [noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] by " in BNC.

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1 the House of Lords criticised the application of the defence in Nichols v. Marsland , and four of their lordships cast doubt on the finding of facts by the jury in that case .
2 The present study was done to establish a dose response relationship for the trophic effect of gastrin on the enterochromaffin like cells by giving exogenous gastrin in graded doses .
3 Following talks in Moscow on Sept. 9-10 representatives from member nations of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance ( CMEA or COMECON ) failed to agree on the division of assets by Sept. 28 as scheduled [ see p. 38315 ] ; however , it was agreed in early October that this deadline should be extended to the end of November .
4 By lowering the nitrogen content , the company said it could cut the amount of nitrogen deposited on the land by pigs by 23 per cent .
5 There has been a kind of stalemate in the class struggle which has placed governments in the position of tackling deep-rooted problems with technocratic instruments of strictly limited effectiveness : they have held the line on the balance of payments by means of periodic deflation , which has not really solved anything ; they have periodically checked inflation and attempted to rebuild industrial profitability by means of ad hoc incomes policy but have been unable either to maintain popular support for such policies or to push forward to a comprehensive planning of prices and incomes , investment and consumption .
6 In 1807 Stark designed the lunatic asylum in Glasgow , in which he adapted Benthamite prison planning to contemporary theories on the segregation of patients by sex , rank , and degree of derangement .
7 The amendments have been made on the basis of recommendations by the Nature Conservancy Council in its first five-yearly review of UK species under the auspices of the Act , carried out in 1986 .
8 On Jan. 14 , on the basis of assessments by diplomats based in Albania 's capital , Tirana , the official Yugoslav news agency Tanjug retracted a report broadcast by the Yugoslav media three days earlier , which had claimed that a state of emergency had been declared in Shkodër and security stepped up around key installations throughout the country .
9 An authoritative Soviet study on the diplomacy of the developing states , prefaced by Firyubin a couple of years before his ASEAN tour , had arrived at a definition of neutralisation on the basis of declarations by the statesmen of Southeast Asia .
10 Guidelines are being produced by the IEC to enable AI to express its concerns on the taking of hostages by nges , and deliberate or arbitrary killings by nges .
11 However , on the strength of findings by a joint historical commission formed in 1987 to resolve " blank spots " in Polish-Soviet relations , in March 1989 the Polish authorities for the first time had contradicted the official Soviet line and had openly accused the Soviet Union of responsibility [ see p. 36535 ] .
12 Thus a computer catalogue could print out on demand all the items of which Dr Rhodes Boyson was the author ; or those which had his name in the title ; or all the items having to do with a specific topic , even something so very specific as " The effect of solvents on the killing of bacteria by phenol " ; or all the items in tape-slide format ; or all the items published in Bletchley in 1975 .
13 To the CBI 's worries about the future of the inner city is added a very real concern that business services may be placed high on the list for cuts by budget-chopping local authorities .
14 No action has been taken against those responsible for the shootings or to introduce any official regulations on the use of firearms by law enforcement personnel .
15 AI has called for an independent inquiry into the killings and repeatedly called for a curb on the use of firearms by the security forces .
16 The principal points include : , setting a target for a 30 per cent reduction in global carbon dioxide emissions by the year 2005 ; , a total ban on the use of chlorofluorocarbons by 1994 ; , introducing an " energy tax " to encourage conservation of energy ; , adopting a system of marketable " permits to pollute " , which could be traded between companies ; , introducing road pricing and peak hour bans on cars in congested city centres ; , phasing out tax perks for company cars and replacing the Vehicle Excise Duty with a local authority tax on car use .
17 The study by Jones ( op. cit. ) provides information on the use of qualifications by employers in three English regions ( London and the South East , the West Midlands , and Yorkshire and Humberside ) and also includes some comparisons with other European countries .
18 The report was able to recount what had been done in the first year of effort of the newly-organised national campaign for emancipation but to stress continuity through reliance on the circulation of pamphlets by Wilberforce and Clarkson ; reformers were ‘ thus enabled to proceed under the conduct of the same veteran Champions who had first led the battle against the African Slave Trade and who had pursued it to its final extinction ’ .
19 Each section is prefaced by a short essay on the care of objects by an expert in the field and there are additional entries on security and insurance , lighting , display and transport and packing .
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