Example sentences of "on the [noun] of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He emphasised that in dismissing McCrory 's application for judicial review he was not imposing a ban on the wearing of poppies in prison .
2 Following the inquiry 's recommendations , in February 1989 , the Secretary of State issued a Circular on the discharge of patients from hospital ( HC(89)5 ) , and in September 1990 followed this with the Circular on the care programme approach , stating that from April 1991 all patients leaving hospital should be the subjects of care programmes , and that in September 1991 regions should report back on the implementation of this policy .
3 In fact , the statistics on the type of problems on which advice is sought have remained remarkably constant since 1973/74 .
4 Whereas the diagnosis of early infectious syphilis can be made with a good degree of accuracy by identifying the treponeme with darkground examination of serum from a chancre or from the skin lesions of secondary infection , in latent or late syphilis , be it acquired or congenital , the diagnosis depends on the finding of antibodies to the infection in the blood .
5 the House of Lords criticised the application of the defence in Nichols v. Marsland , and four of their lordships cast doubt on the finding of facts by the jury in that case .
6 And the more valuable the book the greater the ultimate scandal , for it will probably end up on the shelves of libraries in other parts of the world where the literary culture of England is still prized .
7 Further steps to strengthen security in the region could , in his opinion , be determined by taking into account Soviet proposals on the abolition of weapons of mass destruction .
8 Diagnosis is based on clinical signs , and in infections with the adult worm , on the presence of faeces of the yellow-brown , ovoid eggs , with thick mamillated shells .
9 The opportunities of the British to make any impression were , as usual , largely dependent on the presence of others of like mind within the labyrinthine corridors of power in Washington .
10 Positive cytology was based on the presence of cells with established characteristics of malignancy as shown in Figure 2 .
11 The development of the rural environment is critically dependant on the responses of farmers to both market and policy signals .
12 This study is designed to gather information on the attitudes of Members of the House of Commons and the House of Lords on the main principles which should underline welfare policy .
13 This power imbalance is likely to have a marked effect on the attitudes of elders to sharing information about themselves .
14 ‘ Interesting , ’ said Corman , as he sat back in his chair and banged his feet down on the row of seats in front of him .
15 This method may be used as a check on the reasonableness of valuations on other bases since it gives an indication of the minimum likely value .
16 Boris Anrep , for instance , whom the Berkeleys used to encounter when they stayed with Maud Russell at Mottisfont , gave them the model he painted for the mosaics which were intended for the apse of Westminster Cathedral ( it stands on the chest of drawers in their bedroom ) and Hugh Honour and John Fleming gave them the marble hermaphrodite which reclines on the top of a bookcase in the study .
17 I had been aware on visits of the changes she had brought into the house , in the food which was more elaborate , recipes culled from women 's magazines , the odd touches about the place , the fact that the bowl full of bulbs was placed on a mat , there were extra arm covers on the chairs , a lace cloth on the chest of drawers in my room , everything had to be protected .
18 On the chest of drawers in the corner of the room was Malik 's newsletter : SPRING NEWS FROM THE ISLAMIC SCHOOL WIMBLEDON .
19 Established methods of risk stratification have concentrated on the identification of patients with multivessel disease .
20 It is the practice in this article mainly to concentrate on the coverage of members of staff who are still in service .
21 Yesterday the heartbroken teenager , who was on the verge of trials with the Royal Ballet , said : ‘ In just one second , my life has been wrecked .
22 Often she was on the verge of tears for no reason , like a baby .
23 The community of the shire was based on a network of acquaintance and interests , and probably drew on the contacts of individuals in local government .
24 After the meeting it was announced that the Zulus had agreed to support restrictions on the carrying of weapons in areas of unrest .
25 A FAST-TRACK law to clamp down on the carrying of knives in Scotland is to be backed by the Government .
26 NEW LAWS to clamp down on the carrying of knives in Scotland were ‘ nodded through ’ without dissent in the Commons yesterday .
27 A member of the California , District of Columbia and Virginia bars , he currently serves on the board of directors of the University of Minnesota Law School Alumni Association .
28 By the time of her seventieth birthday she had served on the Board of Governors of the BBC , the Corporation 's General Advisory Council , the Arts Council and the British Council and their respective literary committees , to say nothing of her work with such organizations as the Royal Society of Literature .
29 Given the commonality of objectives with EFAH and encouraged by the Commission , HCIMA has accepted a place on the Board of Governors of the Foundation and has begun work on the development of a pan-European accreditation system .
30 Richard Gregory of the Brain and Perception Laboratory at Bristol University is a key figure on the board of trustees for Exploratory .
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