Example sentences of "on which [pron] [vb past] [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Conscious manipulation of tears is very rare , although most women acknowledged how powerful tears can be and could remember the odd occasion on which they had been used as a weapon when all else failed .
2 After an hour or so they are given a brief rest by switching the lights off and then they are tested by being given a choice between attempting to follow the light on which they had been imprinted ( say the red ) and another , unfamiliar light , say the yellow .
3 The midwife rolled up her sleeves and toiled all night by the light of candles stuck in turnips , and just before dawn the baby was delivered on to the same straw mattress on which she had been conceived .
4 Although she could have sworn she had blacked out , she still somehow recalled the journey on which she had been taken by the tall man and a few others .
5 C. , 1976 ) the court indicated that while it would determine the existence and the scope of the prerogative power , it would not review the propriety or adequacy of the grounds on which it had been exercised .
6 This was the 10th occasion on which Congress had requested the appointment of a special prosecutor , and only the first on which it had been denied by an Attorney General .
7 Well the people that done it did n't get caught but the corridor on which it happened was fined for all the equipment .
8 Erm , it was written in eighteen fourteen , and the author , at the time , was watching the bombardment of Baltimore from a British ship on which he had been detained .
9 Notwithstanding the two occasions on which he had been tempted to abandon the Army for politics , and the cordial relations he had maintained with the CEDA , Franco was disdainful and suspicious of politicians .
10 The most recent outstanding event in Jim 's distinguished career was the publication of his definitive catalogue of the collections of Christ Church , Oxford , on which he had been engaged for several years , coinciding with the opening of the new galleries to contain them .
11 He was gathering data for a book about world metro systems , a task on which he had been engaged for years .
12 He had known the poor child was not robust : this was the basis on which he had been invited to treat , through an English lady , an Oxford acquaintance , then at Nice , who happened to know both his needs and those of the amiable American family looking out for something really superior in the way of a resident tutor ( 11 ) .
13 Further enlightenment is delayed until ( 11 ) , which at last explains how the interview came to take place at all ; but again , this information is postponed to the end of the main clause , in the relative clause " on which he had been invited which in turn contains a further relative clause " who happened to know … resident tutor " .
14 Having accomplished this , she had managed to consign the memory of her unnamed son to a Wednesday ( the day on which he had been born and on which he had been slaughtered ) in August , annually , on Møn .
15 Having accomplished this , she had managed to consign the memory of her unnamed son to a Wednesday ( the day on which he had been born and on which he had been slaughtered ) in August , annually , on Møn .
16 He was remembering again the time when he returned to England fifteen years ago from the tropical island on which he had been left .
17 Harbury dived in with a question about the legality of such a transfer which , like much of what MacQuillan had done , was contrary to the conditions on which he had been allowed to acquire the paper .
18 He 'd daubed a rock with paint and used the tell-tale splashes to correct a slight right-hand drift , and then he 'd taken a rasp to the elaborate Monte Carlo grip , reshaping the stock to approximate to the military form on which he 'd been trained and binding it with tape when it was as he wanted .
19 What happened , though , was he ordered one of the captains on a dangerous mission-just how dangerous I knew — on which he 'd been wounded and the young wives had n't forgiven her for it .
20 In 1941 her much-loved younger son Peter was lost at sea when the ship on which he served was torpedoed in mid-Atlantic ; she never recovered from this loss .
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