Example sentences of "on the [adj] [noun pl] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Today on the fertile plains of Central America cattle graze peacefully .
2 This is an interestingly eclectic argument which recalls Gadamer on the ‘ fusion of horizons ’ ( the reader 's and the text 's ) , Marcuse on the utopian possibilities of high culture , and Sartre on the necessarily progressive implications of major literature .
3 Now the other question I was just going to ask was on appendix er erm it 's oh yes here we are appendix five bottom of page two and it 's talking about the condition of people on the higher rates to residential homes in the area .
4 BR used press campaigns in the early 1980s to put the arguments for higher state support , basing its case on the higher subsidies of other European railways as a percentage of GNP .
5 The reader who wishes to have more detailed information on the various forms of physical treatments available should refer elsewhere .
6 It could , therefore , be argued that omeprazole may have influenced our results either through a possible direct effect on the various parameters of oesophageal function or indirectly through other mechanisms such as hypergastrinaemia .
7 My right hon. Friend the Lord Chancellor expects to issue a consultation paper next year on the financial conditions for legal aid in criminal proceedings .
8 The Committee on the Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance has issued a Code of Best Practice ( p 94 ) .
9 Some commentators have pointed out that , as can not be said of the Cadbury Committee 's report on the financial aspects of corporate governance , much legislation would be needed to implement the Green Paper 's proposals .
10 The Committee on the Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance was formed early in 1991 because of widespread concern at the perceived low level of confidence in financial reporting , and the ability of auditors to provide adequate safeguards .
11 Its broad base also makes it useful as a sounding board for other proposals , for example those recently issued by the Cadbury Committee on the Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance .
12 the company is in compliance with the Code of Best Practice of the Committee on the Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance ;
13 The first was the Cadbury report on the financial aspects of corporate governance and the second was the Auditing Practices Board 's paper on the future development of auditing .
14 Your Board has welcomed the Cadbury Committee 's Report on the financial aspects of Corporate Governance .
15 The Company complies with The Code of Best Practice incorporated in the Report of the Cadbury Committee on The Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance except for the recommendation to include an ‘ Operating Financial Review ’ in the Annual Report , as insufficient guidance is available at present as to content .
16 Similarly , although there is competition for the viewer this does not usually impact on the financial fortunes of either organization .
17 However , activities concerned with the development of income sources ( eg business functions ) , whilst dependent on the administrative services for day-to-day support and information , and overlapping the business activities of some teaching departments , are primarily concerned with the interface between the College and potential income suppliers , eg public and private sector employers , government agencies etc , and the public .
18 Stations have functioned as election platforms on the whistle-stop tours of American presidents , as venues for revolutionary meetings in , for instance , Russia , and as targets for terrorist bombs , such as at Bologna .
19 They represented a solidity , a security , a stamp of survival on the unquiet experiments of two decades , a proof that two disparate spirits can wrestle and diverge and mingle and separate and remain distinct , without a loss of brightness , without a loss of self , without emasculation , submission , obligation .
20 I can not forget the visits I paid to Norwich and sat quietly in the reconstructed cell of Julian the hermitess of Norwich , meditating on the Sixteen Shewings of Divine Love which she received in May 1373 .
21 Building societies and banks all have their own forms of report , but in case you need to prepare your own form base this on the printed forms of such bodies .
22 Class II major histocompatibility complex antigen could be detected on the epithelial cells of all control cases .
23 On the earliest journeys of 1825 , there was n't such a thing as a station .
24 For the most extreme form of quoted speech without source markers can be found on the earliest pages of certain infant reading schemes which are based on severely restricted vocabulary and a word recognition model .
25 But it is parallel with the grammatical rules , and is based on the repetitive routines of initiated persons in the society under description .
26 Marxists clearly reject such notions of voluntarism and begin their analysis of change and power from a starting point rooted on the changing relationships between different modes of production .
27 Mr M by this time was away on the outer islands for four days a week .
28 The Report observes : ‘ It is now 25 years since Mitbestimmung ( Co-determination ) was introduced in the Federal Republic of Germany ’ ; and again : ‘ As long ago as 1972 the EEC published draft proposals for a Fifth Directive on Company law , proposing employee representation on the supervisory boards of all companies in the Community with over 500 employees ’ — a rhetorical presentation that pictures the United Kingdom as dragging its reluctant feet well in the rear of a party marching briskly along the path towards a bright new future entrusted not wholly but largely to trade unions .
29 After 1885 infirmaries continued to improve , though fastest in the big cities , but still , at the time of the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws of 1905–09 , local provision varied considerably .
30 Beatrice Webb initiated a number of studies of aspects of poverty for the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws of 1905–09. [ doc .
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