Example sentences of "he thought [pron] [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He thought we had a lot to learn from that and it would encourage them …
2 He thought they deserved a bit of cash .
3 Although the bar did n't strike Blake as a place where the customers would be called ‘ sir ’ he thought they recognized a gentleman .
4 He thought she had a attitude problem .
5 He thought she had a growth , or was losing her innards in some revolting way .
6 Not that John-William was particularly opposed to revolution if he thought he had a chance of winning .
7 He had , he claimed , been superseded in a promotion which he thought he had a right to expect from the Master of the Horse .
8 The prime minister 's smile spread even further in the slightly crooked way it had when he thought he had an opponent hoist with his own petard .
9 Once he thought he heard a movement among the trees to the left of him , as of footfalls rustling the grass .
10 He thought he saw a rattle snake
11 He went to the top of the steps and looked around , he could n't see anyone or anything untoward ; he looked out of the window and he thought he saw a figure on or around the track .
12 For a moment he thought he saw a figure at the far end , waiting , but that was from the nightmare , too , just a trick of the light and the fog .
13 He thought he saw a movement other than the wind in the distance against the hedge on the far side of the field .
14 He wanted to rule now — and in Aquitaine he thought he saw an opportunity .
15 But he thought he knew a thing or two about muscles , and the knowledge that it was only a couple of big muscles that were keeping him alive was not comforting .
16 There were five others , four whites and a black , and he thought he recognised a face from the Lord Howe gym .
17 For just as he had begun to survey the picture from a wholly different angle , just as he thought he espied a gap in the clouds that hitherto had masked the shafts of sunlight the switchboard-operator dashed any hope of such a breakthrough with the simple statement that she 'd known Theodore Kemp very well indeed .
18 He thought he detected a flicker of disappointment on her face .
19 Then she lifted her great eyes to his and he thought he detected a mixture of fleeting emotions : resolution , appeal , defiance .
20 For a moment he thought he smelt a rat ; could it be one of Marjorie 's ‘ little jokes ’ ?
21 For a moment he thought he smelt a rat ; could it be one of Marjorie 's ‘ little jokes ’ ?
22 He thought he caught a glimpse of an eyepatch and an immense black beard .
23 For a while as he walked , faster as the sun began to dip more quickly towards Nut 's receiving mouth , he thought he caught a glimpse of someone following him ; but it was no more than a glimpse , and the figure — a ghost in a dark robe — slipped out of sight behind a building 's corner before he could even take in its size .
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