Example sentences of "he may [adv] have [been] a " in BNC.

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1 Police fear he may also have been a victim .
2 He may also have been a member of the Spectaclemakers ' Company .
3 As we have already noted , he may well have been a militant nationalist who did not shrink from violence .
4 He may well have been a Zealot or a former Zealot — and may , in fact , be identical with Simon Zelotes .
5 His parentage and schooling are obscure , though he may well have been a pupil of Stephen Langton , later archbishop of Canterbury [ q.v. ] , himself the native of a village less than ten miles from Stainby .
6 His family evidently had existing contacts with royal administration , and he may well have been a Chancery clerk as early as June 1379 , enjoying church preferment regularly thereafter , although only on 7 February 1387 was he first called ‘ king 's clerk ’ .
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