Example sentences of "he could [not/n't] [verb] [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He drank thirstily , spilling some of the water because he could n't control his shudders .
2 In the last eight months of the marriage , he could n't control his temper .
3 I mean there was , there was a wonderful Times cartoon , I do n't know if you saw it , of Yeltsin showing all the troubles he , he could n't control his government , there were economic problems , people were being nasty to him apparently as he was saying how do we manage and it turns out of course at the end , the final kick line is he 's talking about John Major 's situation .
4 And there was one boss — well , if he could n't spell your name you 'd had it .
5 Erm and as you said he , he could n't leave his notes .
6 He reached the medical centre with a sense of relief , and pushed the door open , holding it for Karnstein , since even though he disliked her , he could n't neglect his duties as an officer and a gentleman .
7 He was having problems raising his left arm and he could n't twist his head .
8 He could n't hide his satisfaction .
9 He was covered in white frost from head to toe and he could n't stop his teeth from chattering .
10 Mike took one look at her furious face , and Ace 's flabbergasted one , and put up a hand to hide his mouth , but he could n't stop his eyes from dancing with amusement .
11 He could n't feel his fingers .
12 Even if Guy believed her tale , surely he could n't change his opinion of her so completely ?
13 Afterwards he could n't justify his weakness in giving in and did n't try .
14 He could n't ignore his gut instinct , which had never failed him yet .
15 Scottish Sectretary , Ian lang , told them that he could n't meet their demand , although he wo n't know how much money will be allocated to councils until the budget at the end of November .
16 ‘ No , ’ he yelled , reaching for the baseball bat he kept by the side of the bed for intruders and finding he could n't move his arm .
17 The brother-in-law , the girl 's uncle , did not contest the father 's authority but he had had the girl 's company long enough for him to feel he could n't bear his house without her .
18 He could n't pay his agents .
19 Do you remind them of Angela Williams , the first person to be prosecuted for smoking on the tube or of Paul Deiring , the first person to be jailed for smoking on the tube ( he could n't pay his £25 fine ) or do you make like Eric Butler , the Bernard Goetz of the Victoria Line , who , in 1987 , mocked and taunted by drunken youths , retaliated with a sword-stick and was punished in the courts for his efforts .
20 He could n't disguise his amazement .
21 He knew the cruelty she was going to witness over the next three months would be agony for her because , for some reason , she trusted animals far more than humans , but , like a nurse looking after animals in a vivisection clinic , he could n't prevent her pain , only alleviate it as much as possible .
22 He could n't stand your father and he ca n't stand you and the other kids being your father 's children , though he does n't mind you being your mother 's .
23 With one , one man said I used to put , in the cold mornings I used to put my other hand at the bottom to see if I could get heat , but he could n't touch his fingers because they were so tender .
24 They cut into his ankles and he could n't bend his feet to walk in them , but apart from the slight discomfort , he felt very protected and supported in them .
25 It was hard to imagine , but then he could n't imagine his mother Doing It anywhere .
26 He had understood her feelings for Andrew ; he could n't comprehend her reasons for marrying Lovat .
27 And he could n't close his helmet over it .
28 He could n't close his eyelid .
29 He could n't close his eyes .
30 If it was Memet , she would prefer to greet him out here in the dusk , in darkness just burnished with the overspill glow from the street lamps , where he could n't see her face .
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