Example sentences of "he could [verb] be the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He could have been the finest brain surgeon England has ever seen … even blind he is a superb concert pianist …
2 He could have been the greatest horse in the country , he beat Hugo Simon and Gladstone by a couple of seconds when we won the World Cup in Amsterdam .
3 He could have been the best footballer in the world if he 'd have bothered turning up and stuff , ’ Gedge told Sounds .
4 The bear went over the mountain , the mountain , the mountain , the bear went over the mountain to see what he could see , it all that he could see is the other side of the mountain all that he could see is the other side of the mountain , the bear went over the mountain
5 The bear went over the mountain , the mountain , the mountain , the bear went over the mountain to see what he could see , it all that he could see is the other side of the mountain all that he could see is the other side of the mountain , the bear went over the mountain
6 Bodie glanced up , but all he could see were the same madly flickering lines , and slowly moving blips .
7 to see what he could see , and all that he could see and all that he could see was the other side of the mountain , the other side of the mountain
8 and all that he could see was the other side of the mountain the other side of the mountain
9 The bear went over the mountain the bear went over the mountain , the bear went over the mountain , to see what he could see , and all that he could see , and all that he could see was the other side of the mountain , the other side of the mountain the other side of the mountain was all that he could see
10 The bear went over the mountain , the bear went over the mountain , the bear went over the mountain , to see what he could see and all that he could see , and all that he could see was the other side of the mountain , the other side of the mountain the other side of the mountain , was all that he could see
11 The bear went over the mountain , the bear went over the mountain , oh grizzly , the bear went over the mountain , stop , to see what he could see and all that he could see , and all that he could see was the other side of the mountain , the other side of the mountain the other side of the mountain , was all that he could see
12 The bear went over the mountain , the bear went over the mountain , the bear went over the mountain , to see what he could see , and stop , and all that he could see , and all that he could see was the other side of the mountain , the other side of the mountain the other side of the mountain , was all that he could see
13 For a moment all he could see was the great wall of surf , dark at its roots like a dyed blonde .
14 He thrust the curtains wider , pressed his face to the glass but still all he could see was the white material flapping backwards and forwards in the wind .
15 The sound of his parents ' calls were muffled and then grew distant and all he could hear was the rough footfall of the man on the rocks and scree and the sound of his breathing …
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