Example sentences of "he can [vb infin] the [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 It is this concurrent development which provides the source of what much later is destined to become the relationship which binds man to his God , first , by the processes of evolution , and then by man himself struggling to bring into his life the enrichment available to him if only he can control the legacies of ruthless evolution .
2 And if he puts his hand to his forehead he can feel the scars of ridged skin that he was n't born with and it is as if each rippled furrow represents , records each recollective twinge .
3 He can meet the longings of the human heart .
4 Even if the vendor is selling the whole of his trade , it seems from Inland Revenue Statement of Practice 8/81 that he can invest the proceeds of sale in acquiring new qualifying assets , as part of a new trade , and this will count as the same trade for roll-over relief purposes , so that his gain on the sale of the assets of the old trade is deferred .
5 He also has access to that other kingdom ; he can open the doors of heaven .
6 While a person engaged in a particular event can rarely see the whole set of circumstances in clear perspective he can record the minutiae of a situation which might well be lost when the position is looked back on at a later date .
7 If he can alter the fortunes of the superpower state for the better , other nations will follow .
8 If the Minister wants to retain this unitary Parliament , he had better start looking at the ways in which he can secure the rights of the people affected .
9 At the western end of Suffolk , which was ‘ eether wholly champion or neer , the feilding abounding by tillage and flockes of sheep doe from thence emprove their greatest commodities ’ , the soil was not naturally productive , so that ‘ the husbandman before he can test the fruits of his labour endureth much travell ’ .
10 And this attitude is explained by the " sublime metaphysical illusion " peculiar to theoretical man , his " unshakable faith " that by rational thought he can penetrate the depths of existence and even correct existence itself .
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