Example sentences of "he had [been] [verb] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 The firebombing of the Sherman & Grant office premises had underlined the lesson , while taking care of the possibility that the elder one may have kept the severed finger he had been sent as a warning .
2 He saw the age into which he had been born as a civilisation in decline , and said so .
3 Walter Pater was a master of atmosphere ; he had been inspired as a young man by Ruskin , and his idealism about art and his fine prose were in turn much admired by a younger generation of aesthetes , among whom Oscar Wilde was a prominent figure .
4 Also on June 9 , immediately after the close of polls , Jan Budaj , Deputy Chairman of the Slovak National Council ( parliament ) and a leading PAV candidate for the Council , announced that he was withdrawing his candidacy , saying that he had been registered as a collaborator with the StB in the 1970s .
5 He had been earmarked as a potential leader , in 1979 , by winning the Oloman-Ellis Award , which the National Council of Social Workers with the Deaf inaugurated in 1977 to commemorate the lives of two of their most distinguished members , Robert Stavers Oloman of York and Joseph Ellis of Stoke-on-Trent .
6 Half of the salary disappeared in mess fees and for the headquarter 's servants , but Sharpe still felt rich , and it was a far better reward than the two shillings and ninepence a day that he had been receiving as a half-pay lieutenant .
7 He had been elected as an opposition Jatiya Party member of the Jatiya Sangsad ( parliament ) in February [ see pp. 38006-07 ] , but was expected to forfeit this office if he lost his appeal .
8 He had been exposed as a secret police informer under the ousted communist regime , although he insisted that his activities had been confined to reporting on foreign visitors to Sofia 's Natural History Museum ( where he had been a department head ) and on his visits abroad for scientific research ; he categorically denied that he had ever informed on dissidents .
9 Dr Hadley , who had asked the questions , ceased to play with the two-toned ball pen he had been using as a remote muscle of his tongue .
10 The jangling of his friend 's bells and chains , which he had been using as an aid for navigation , had ceased abruptly .
11 Souza 's commitments were no doubt the more complicated because he had been raised as a Catholic , and had been taught that the eroticism of Hindu religious philosophy was wicked .
12 The Guests returned Dali 's portrait of their son , Alexander , feeling that he had been painted as a Velázquez menino .
13 Throughout his lifetime he had been regarded as an excellently scientific psychologist who had shown that the level of a child 's intelligence has little to do with the child 's home environment ; instead it is a product of the intelligences of the child 's parents .
14 Since his youth he had been perceived as a likeable man .
15 More recently he had been seen as an impediment to the resolution of the continuing ethnically based dispute with Senegal , in the course of which at least 40,000 black Mauritanian nationals had been forcibly expelled by the Mauritanian authorities [ see pp. 36579-80 ; 36840 ] .
16 She was shrewd enough to understand that the way he had been treated as a child would give him the added drive and determination to better himself .
17 His listeners heard all the details of Oliver 's illegitimate birth , and how generously he had been treated as a workhouse orphan .
18 For instance the chronological grouping of particular watermarks has revealed that a small portrait of Petrus Sylvius , Saskia 's cousin , was printed twice : once in 1637 , which is the date below Rembrandt 's signature this was on the occasion of Sylvius 's move from Amsterdam to Friesland after he had been received as a minister of the church and again , in an unaltered state still carrying the date of 1637 much later , in 1653 .
19 The plaintiff brought an action in negligence against the defendants , contending that , because the fire had been started negligently and because he had been injured as a result , he was entitled to recover damages from the defendants .
20 The plaintiff brought an action in negligence against the defendant , contending that because the fire had been started negligently and because he had been injured as a result , he was entitled to recover damages from the defendant .
21 He had been re-elected as a candidate of the successful Hungarian Democratic Forum ( MDF ) in 1990 but subsequently left the MDF .
22 and to appear in court , he found himself caught up in a drama in which he had been cast as The Defendant , facing the man he had known as Rich whom everyone called The Plaintiff , and being called to order by someone he had never heard of before called The Registrar and his right hand man The Clerk of the Court — and all in the unfamiliar setting ( set ) of a courtroom .
23 Haeckel 's holistic philosophy would inspire a later generation of environmentalists , but he had been trained as a morphologist and sought other ways of displaying the unity of Nature .
24 In April 1962 he wrote ‘ Blowin' in the Wind ’ , and within a short space of time he had been adopted as the spokesman of the civil-rights movement .
25 He 's a man who erm is qualified in the field of computer sciences and if your Lordship will hear has worked throughout his life in the fields of computers , banking and er in March of nineteen eighty five he left employment with a company known as Data Logic Limited where he had been employed as a banking consultant and decided at that stage er on a change of career erm and he was looking principally to acquire a wine bar , restaurant , country house hotel , something of that nature and er you will hear that after some early disappointments in the earlier part of nineteen eighty five when deals that er were on the horizon for premises in Oxfordshire and then in Chichester erm in early September the plaintiffs er saw and liked the wine bar in and offered the price of , the asking price of seventy five thousand pounds with stock er which was accepted .
26 Oddly the thought still writhed within him — the thought of other men using the body he had loved himself , being given wholesale what he had been offered as an inestimable gift .
27 In his time he had been billed as the Sex Ton ( geddit ? ) ,
28 Méndez had suffered a heart attack the previous month but , although he was reportedly advised by his doctors to avoid pressure , he had been mentioned as a possible leader of the government delegation in resumed peace talks with the Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity ( URNG ) guerrilla leaders in Mexico in late April [ see p. 38141 ] .
29 In London , where he had been apprenticed as a young man , the poky City offices had been suffocating .
30 DISGRACED sprinter Jason Livingston last night insisted he had been used as a scapegoat by British athletics officials .
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